Part Fifty-One

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A/N: I am back my weebs! So happy~! You guys miss me??

FYI... I did almost cry multiple times while writing this part, so please ready your tissues! I feel so bad for Mari. I'm a terrible person. I was going to kill her, but I don't think I could handle it.. and my computer might die from water damage.. (tears)

Anyways.. enjoy the part~!


When Mari woke up, she was in the DWMA infirmary. It was one of the closed-off rooms, with only one bed. Her eyes opened slowly and she looked up at the sealing, an empty feeling in her stomach. She tried to sit up, her stomach spiking with pain for a moment, causing her to gasp a little.

"Mari... don't try to move." Kidd's voice said and Mari looked to the side and saw his face. There were tear streaks down his cheeks, his eyes red as if he had been crying.

Mari was confused. "Is something wrong? Did someone get hurt?" she asked, trying to sit up again.

"Mari..." Kidd said, tears falling down his cheeks. He helped her sit up and she leaned back, taking in a breath.

She looked into his beautiful golden eyes. "What... what happened?" she asked, holding her stomach.

He reached up and pulled her into his chest. "Mari... Arachne... she..." he said, his shoulders shaking.

Mari felt her blood go cold as she remembered Arachne's words, 'Then I'll take the life of your unborn child.'

"Kidd... what happened." She said. She knew, exactly, but she didn't want to admit it. She pulled him to arms length, her dark eyes starring deep into his.

"After Arachne stabbed her hand into you..." he said. "We brought you back here and Stein fixed you up, but... but..." he said. His slender fingers traced their path down her cheeks. "You lost the baby." He said.

When Mari was very little, her father had hurt her. He had been drunk and had started yelling at her, and when she started crying, her told her to shut up and had hit her. She could still feel his fist, and it had felt like a giant weight crushing down onto her.

That's exactly what she felt now.

She looked into Kidd's eyes, hoping he was lying. "Kidd..." she said, tears forming in her eyes. "Tell me you're lying... tell me you're-" Kidd pulled her into his chest, his arms holding her close to his body. Her fingers held onto his back, her fingertips clawing his shirt. A sob broke from her lips and then she couldn't stop.

"No! No! No!" she sobbed into his shirt. She felt grief spilling into her chest and she couldn't stop the sadness that began to push the air from her. She gasped for breath as she held onto Kidd.

She could feel the place where Arachne had stabbed her begin to open, and physical pain began to join the collective weight of the emotional. Black blood started staining her bandages and a machine started beeping.

The door slammed open and people walked in, Stein coming to Mari and Kidd. He gently pulled Mari back down into the bed and Ray helped.

Mari screamed as anger and grief mixed together, creating a ball of hate towards Arachne. "Get your hands off me!" she screamed at Stein and Ray. Ray was startled and back away, not wanting to hurt her friend. Stein held and Mari clawed at his face, scratching his skin. He let go of her for a moment and she dragged herself off the hospital bed.

"Mari-" Stein said, cut off as the hysterical girl stumbled into a corner of the room. She grabbed the wall and tore at it, her fingers digging into the paint on it. A moment later, she crumpled to the ground and she held her hands in her lap.

She leaned forward, her head hitting the wall, and her tears started falling onto the floor. Her shoulders shook and her eyes closed slowly. Her fist hit the wall, the dull thump of her hand repeating as she continued to hit the wall.

"Why?" she asked, Ray beginning to cry as she watched her friend fall apart again. Mari caught her breath as her stomach twinged. "Why can't I just have... a happy ending?" she asked.

Kidd wrapped his arms arm around her from behind, his tears dropping onto her back. "Mari..." he said, his breaths catching. "I'm... I'm so sorry..." he said. He pulled her as close to his chest as he could. "Everything will be... it'll be okay..."

'Oh, nothing will be okay ever again,' a man's voice in Mari's head said. She stiffened in Kidd's arms, her eyes going wide.

She grabbed her head, pulling at her hair. "Get out of my head!" she screamed, her body shaking uncontrollably. Kidd held her closer, the other people around them beginning to cry as they watched their friend fall apart, again, her mind snapping, once more.

'Nothing will be okay with me here...' The man said, the sound of his voice like glass being sharpened on screaming bones. '...ever again.'

Mari (Soul Eater)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt