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Autours note: I have NO IDEA how many parts this will have but it will prbably be pretty long! =^.^=

Mari was five years old when her mom died. She could still remember watching her dad cry and her mom smile one last time. Her mom had gotten sick with cancer right after Mari's fifth birthday. They hadn't had the money at the time to get treatment but it was clear there would be no way of her getting better.

Her mom had looked so peaceful on the day she had died. There had been a doctor, her dad and her mother's older sister in the room. Mari had watched from the doorway, clutching a stuffed rabbit. It had been early in the morning when her mom died. The doctor had looked at his watch when her mother had sighed one last breath and said, "November third, 3:46 am."

The funeral had been so dark and black to Mari's five year old eyes. They had lowered the casket into the ground and everyone seamed to disappear after that.

The nine or so years following that had been bleak and uneventful; her dad had become and alcoholic, Mari had turned out to be a weapon. Her dad wouldn't let her go to the DWMA until she was fourteen. He hadn't let her go anywhere after her eleventh birthday when she had transformed a little and they had known she was a weapon. Her dad had been scared ever since the bills had been piling up and after her arm had turned into the giant blade of a claymore.

Even though her dad told her not to leave the house unless she was with him, even to go into the back yard, Mari always snuck out to go practice transforming and fighting with her arm as her weapon form. She had sliced the stump in the ground to sheds as soon as she had worked up the courage to disobey her dad. She had moved on to attacking a hastily made sort of scarecrow that, so far, was lasting longer than the stump.

She came at it from all angles, cutting its arms and chest with the blade that was her arm.

Someone coughed behind her and she froze. She turned to see her dad drinking a beer while watching her. "What are you doing, Mar?"

Her arm glowed and turned back to a hand. "You said I could go to the DWMA after my fourteenth birthday."

"So I did." He replied.

"And they said I'm supposed to go to the school... tomorrow and I just wanted to be a really good fighter so I would get a good meister and-" She stopped as her dad walked down the steps, throwing the empty beer can behind him.

He put his hands on her shoulders. "Your mom was a weapon and she went to the DWMA." Mari's eyes widened. She didn't know her mom had been a weapon too. "So that's why I'm letting you go. You look so much like your mom and I bet you'll become a death scythe." He turned. "I already filled out the forms and whatnot and turned them in last week. They excepted you." He walked into the house.

Mari jumped in the air, her long blue hair bouncing. "Yes!"

Mari was climbing the stairs leading to the academy. She would early by thirty minutes, at least she hoped she would. She tugged her old bookbag higher up onto her shoulder. She paused, catching her breath. There must've been a hundred stairs and she couldn't imagine climbing them everyday. She looked up, smiling, and began running up the stone steps.

She reached the top, panting. There was a big open sort of courtyard at the front of the huge school. "Wow..." She whispered as she looked around at the tall walls. Long red spikes and giant flaming candles stuck out of the school, for no reason, being perfectly symmetrical. "That's awesome..." She put her hands to her cheeks and spun around in circles. "Symmetricalness..."

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" A boy's voice said behind her.

Mari turned and gasped to see a tallish boy standing right behind her. She stumbled backwards, tripping on her knee-high heeled boots, and fell. Her elbows rubbed the ground, not scraping thanks to her long sleeves, but it still hurt. "Ow." She sat up, rubbing her arms. "That hurt-" She looked up at the boy. He was tall and had black hair with three white stripes that went to his hairline and then just stopped.

Mari (Soul Eater)Where stories live. Discover now