Chapter 20: Chocolate Chip Pancakes

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Kirishima screenshotted the window.
He smirked to himself as he called someone.

"Hello?" The voice of an 18-year-old boy came on the phone. This was Kaito, a friend of Kirishima's who was over and under the law from time to time. After Bakugou, he was the coolest and manliest guy he knew.

"Heyyy, uh, Kaito? I need a favor."
"Oh, sure bro. What's up?"

Kirishima explained the whole thing with Todoroki and Bakugou. From what he heard, to the suspicions of the class, to the pictures Todoroki tweeted.

"Damn. Seems like he's in a lot of trouble with that guy."
"He is! It's so good to hear someone understand."
"Alright. I'll link you to a bro I know. Under one small condition."
"Give me a shot with this Bakugou guy."

That "small condition" almost made Kirishima drop the phone. He did like Bakugou that way, and his whole plan was to get Bakugou to slowly get to date him after recovering from Todoroki's abuse. He was going to give him time to recover, to trust again, and then give him more love than he ever expected to get. He was going to respect his boundaries, give him gifts, never forget his birthday.

Things Todoroki could do, but that Kirishima could do better.

Kirishima was going to treat Bakugou better than anyone in his life did.

But the only way to get to do that with him was if he saved him. And the only way to do that was to get help from Kaito. And the only way to do that, is if he gave Bakugou away.

"I...don't think I can do that." Kirishima said.
"Hm. Guess I can't help ya then." Kaito was about to hang up when Kirishima spoke.
"Well, the whole point of this is to save him. Not to get with him. Fine, you can have him. Just, please, respect his boundaries and wait for him to be ready. If you don't you're just as bad as Todoroki."

"Uh, Todoroki? Oh right, Todoroki. Aight. Meet me in the usual meeting place at 9." Then he hung up. Kirishima looked at his phone, then down.


Just when he thought that he was finally going to be a hero to his beloved, and that finally the good guy was getting the girl, Kaito was taking him away. Why did he want Bakugou anyway? He didn't know anything about him.

Well...that would be too harsh.

Kirishima did remember all the times he talked about Bakugou. He vented about how he wanted to date him but couldn't. He talked about all the good and bad things about him. And Kaito seemed to really like him every time he was the topic of the conversation. He really wanted to know everything and asked him to send him all the pictures he had of Bakugou. Whenever he did, Kaito would ask to go to the if he had lotion and tissue in the bathroom, and when they did he'd always go in there and not be out for a while.

"I can't believe it took me that long to realize what he was doing." Kirishima face-palmed.

Meanwhile, Bakugou made a noise from the kitchen. Something fell.

"Oh shit!" Todoroki thought Bakugou had escaped again. He ran out of the room, still shirtless, ready to use his Quirk on anyone and everyone, only to pass by him in the kitchen.

Bakugou was still wearing the big dress shirt and the long black socks, and he was cooking breakfast. It was harder now that he was shorter and weaker, but he still cooked pancakes like a professional chef, even though he needed to use a chair to reach the pancake mix.

"Oh...hey baby..." Todoroki's heart could finally beat normally again. He hugged Bakugou from behind, and to his surprise he leaned into the hug. "Want pancakes?" He asked with a smile. "How'd you know I like them with chocolate chips?" He asked.  "Oh, I like them too." Bakugou answered.

"Oh, that's so cool! We're so similar!"
"Yeah! Anyway, sit down, I'm bringing you some breakfast."

"Okay~" Todoroki said in a sing-song tone as he walked over to the bed.

"Finally..." He whispered to himself.

"Stockholm's setting in."

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