Chapter 19: Big Mistake

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Bakugou woke up the next morning completely naked in bed, next to a naked Todoroki. Everything, from the pain in his lower back, the bites on his neck, and the feeling in his head just let Hime guess what happened last night as his "punishment".

He never liked this feeling. This feeling of being icky and gross inside and out. He hasn't had sex many times, but he never liked the feeling. Sure, the feeling during the act was intoxicating, and he couldn't get enough of Todoroki at that moment. He just had to have every bit of him, and he gave his entire body and soul to his lover at that moment.

But he didn't want to. He didn't want to give it to him. And he didn't want to get that bit of Todoroki. He didn't want it inside him. He wanted to do stupid teenager things, like going to parties and hanging out with the squad. But now he didn't even get to see the squad. He didn't even get to talk to them, Todoroki took his phone.

Well, it's not like they want to see me anyway.
They probably hate me.
They're probably glad I'm gone.
They probably forgot and replaced me.

The thought of them hating, forgetting, and replacing him haunted Bakugou. He just wanted to see them again. He wanted to see Kirishima again. He wanted to feel his "manly" side-hugs. He wanted to join his 2am conversations about how sharks should be treated as nicely as frogs. He wanted to see his stupid smile with his stupid sharp teeth on his stupid face.

But now it wasn't that stupid. In fact, he missed it. He wanted to see it.

Bakugou sighed and got off the bed. He put on Todoroki's dress shirt, which was pretty big on him now that his body had changed. He felt like a child, which was a weird feeling to be paired up with his after-sex body pains.

He was on his way to the bathroom when his foot hit something. He looked down and saw shopping bags on the floor.

'Oh right, he put those down before giving me my punishment.' He thought. He pushed past them to get to the bathroom and brush his teeth. He got back to find a shirtless Todoroki looking through the bags.

"H...hey..." he said.
"Oh, good morning." Todoroki greeted with a smile. "Hey, you look pretty cute in my shirt. Wanna get something cuter to match?"

"Like what?" Bakugou asked. Todoroki took out a pair of long black socks from a bag.
"Here! These would look adorable with that white shirt."

Bakugou put on the socks to make Todoroki happy. And since he was too distracted with the adorable princess in front of him, he made the mistake of posting pictures of him on his Twitter, where all his classmates followed him.

In an instant, his phone started ringing and vibrating nonstop with notifications.
He looked at it, expecting random pedophiles on Twitter telling him they found their new jack-off material thanks to him, but instead got the messages from people he really wished he never had to talk to again.

Denki: you've known where bakubro was the whole time?!?!
Iida: Bakugo please return to class!
Ochaco: bakugous been missing for days!!
Jirou: what the?? Where have you been???

And of course, he got a private message from a red-headed disturbance.

Kiri: so you've had him all this time.

Todoroki really didn't want to continue this conversation, but he really did want to rub it in that he had the boy this idiot loved.

Todo: yeah. And I've fucked him the way you always wanted to. Wanna see the bites on his neck?😏
Kiri: why isn't he going to school?
Todo: I don't let him out yet. But don't worry, he's got his own room and bathroom. It's pretty, wanna see?

Kirishima was agitated. He wanted to punch Todoroki through the screen. But then, that last message, that last sentence, became Todoroki's big mistake.

Kiri: fine. Show me the whole room. Let me see if you're treating him right. Does he at least have a window?
Todo: yeah, wanna see?
Kiri: show me, bastard

Todoroki took a picture of Bakugou's window, which had a good view of the outside world Bakugou wasn't allowed in.

Big mistake.

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