Alexa: Thanks Alex, Your The Best.

Alex: Your Welcome Harley.

Renee: I'm coming with you Ambrose.

Alex: Sure.

Alex and Renee Left to grab some Smoothies as Alexa and Her friends were smiling at them.

Alexa: Such a Cute Pumpkin.

Mickie: Well That's Alex Ambrose For You Alexa. I didnt know he was this soft in my life.

Alicia: Looks Like Our Goddess Changed him.

Alexa: *Smirks* What can I say? Charm of a Goddess.

Peyton: And Your Charm is really working on him.

Billie: It seems strange seeing Alex this nice and soft. Maybe He does feel lonely.

Alexa: People call him an outcast but I call him My Scarecrow.

Alicia: Woah My Scarecrow?

Alexa: What can I say? We're partners remember?

Mickie: Ohhhh I can tell

The Girls laughed as Alexa cracked another joke and they started laughing again until they were interrupted by someone.

????: Lexi

Alexa looked at the man and The Girls along with Alexa were shocked by who it was.

Alexa: You?!?!

Meanwhile Alex and Renee were waiting for their orders as Renee noticed Alex looking a little different today. She knew Alex since 2014 and knew him like How a Mother knows their son.

Renee: Are you Alright Alex?

Alex: Better

Renee: You dont look good.

Alex: *Sigh* Its Nothing.

Renee: You know, You can talk to me about it.

Alex: Alright but Dont tell Anyone about this.

Renee: You have my promise Alex.

Alex: These Last Couple of Months have been different for some reason. I dont know why but Ever Since I met Lexi. I feel Different almost calm.

Renee: Go Ahead.

Alex: I dont know Renee. She always cheers me up. She's always patient with me and She calms my anger down. I dont know why but I feel different when I'm around her.

Renee: Alex, You're in Love.

Alex looked at Renee as Renee was smiling at him. Was Alex really in love with Alexa?

Alex: I dont think its love. It could be something else.

Renee: Look Ambrose. Your in love with her and theres no doubt about it. I was the same when I was in love with Jon. Jon made me the happiest girl ever in the world.

Alex: *Sigh* But She doesn't love me.

Renee's smile went away as She was confused.

Renee: Wait, What do you mean by that?

Alex: She deserves someone better then me. She can have anyone that is way better then me. I'm just nothing to her.

Renee: Dont say that Ambrose. She might love you.

Alex: No. I'm mentally unstable since I was eight years old. I grew up in a orphanage with no family to take care of me. I'm short tempered and most of the times whenever there's a fight. I let my actions speak words.

Psychotic BlissWhere stories live. Discover now