Chapter 1

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Hi! So here is the start of my new book. I hope you enjoy because I'm putting a lot of effort into this one :) I have been wanting to start it for ages but have been focusing on finishing my last book. So anyway, here it goes....


Chapter 1: The day before my life changed.

"Aurora, can you please come down here!" My Grandma called from the kitchen downstairs. I tucked my black hair into a messy bun and trotted downstairs.

"Yes?" I answered as I met her at the kitchen bench.

"Are you going to have breakfast anytime soon? Or do I have to make you something myself and force feed you?" My Grandma asked. I yawned and went to the cupboard in search of cereal. I picked out the box of 'Coco Rings' and poured them into a bowl.

"So have you picked your outfit for tomorrow?" My grandma asked.

"Yep. My ripped denim jeans with that cool aqua colored top. And for shoes I was thinking my black flats with the gold studs."

"And gloves?"

I sigh. "Thin white summer ones. Not the fingerless pair, don't worry."

"Good. We can't take any chances. I might let you wear the fingerless ones later on, but for now, we play it safe. Ok?" She asked seriously, as I poured the milk over my cereal.

You would think I had some sort of disease on my hands. Thats not the case. I nodded my head before spooning some of the delicious chocolate rings into my mouth.

"Did dad leave for work early?" I asked after swallowing.

"Yes he did, and he told me to give you this." my grandma said, pulling a rectangular box from her apron pocket and sliding it over to me. I quickly opened it and pulled out what was inside. I squealed in excitement and jumped over to grandma to give her a hug.

"Thank you so much!" I said happily.

"Don't thank me, thank your dad." she replied. I reached for the home phone and dialed my fathers number.

"Hello?" his voice said.

"Thank you so much dad!" I yelled into the phone. He laughed.

"It's ok. I thought since you were going to school you would need one." He said. I thanked him again before hanging up. I picked up my present from the bench.

"I, Aurora Moon, officially have my own mobile phone!" I announced.

I finished my breakfast quickly and skipped up to my room with my new phone. I lied down on my double bed and began going through the settings. The excitement died down after I realized I didn't have much use for the phone. I mean, I could only talk to my dad and grandma. But maybe that would all change tomorrow. I stared up at the ceiling. I wondered what it would be like. It wouldn't be the same as it was in grade 5. Definitely not. I would have to be more careful this time. I felt a tail brush my foot and I sprung up to a sitting position.

"Oh it's just you Jasper," I relaxed as my cat explored the bed. "Come here little one." I added, leaning forward and picking him up. I sat him in my lap and stroked his grayish-white fur. I sat there for ten minutes before lifting Jasper off me and wandering over to my window.

The beautiful morning sun shone brightly over the neighborhood. I pulled the window up and twisted out so I was sitting on the window seal looking back into my room from the outside. I lifted my arms up and held onto the ledge above my window. I used it to heave myself up so I was standing on the window seal. I was now hanging off the side of my two-story house like a monkey. My next step up got me onto the roof. I adjusted myself until I was finally sitting down on the cold tin looking at the morning sun. I had been coming up here for the past 7 years watching every sun rise and fall. I hugged my knees to my chest and wriggled the toes on my bare feet.

This was the day before my life would change forever. Tomorrow I started at a real school. Riverdale High.

Homeschooling had been my only choice for all these years. I had never been to a high-school. I went to primary school in grade 5 just to try it. But it ended badly. Very badly. So we moved and I was homeschooled by my grandma for another 6 years. But now I have finally persuaded both her and my dad to give me another chance and do grade 12 at Riverdale. Grandma had been preparing me for it all summer. All the extra training and control exercises I had to do. I was dangerous, I knew that. Its why I have to wear the gloves.

"Aurora Moon! What have I told you about the roof!?" My grandma called angrily from my window. "Get down now before you fall!"

I smiled and began to climb down.

"I have told you a thousand times!" she continued as I joined her in my room. "One day you will fall and I will get to write 'I told you so' on your grave stone."

I giggled at her as she ranted on down the hallway. Her voice soon trailed off as I was left alone in my room. I smiled again just thinking about her. I went over to my dresser and picked up the wooden photo frame.

"Oh Mum. If only you were here to see Grandma. I know you love it when she gets worked up just as much as I do." I spoke to the gentle smiling woman in the frame. A tear rolled down my cheek as I kissed the picture of my Mother. "I love you." I whispered, before putting the photo back down next to the mirror on my dresser. I planned out my day in my head as I got dressed into a peachy colored skirt and white lacy top. First up was the park. I slipped on my thin, white summer gloves and my white canvas shoes.

"Going to the park Grandma," I called out as I reached the front door, " I have my phone!"

"Ok, be careful!" she called back. I opened the door and stepped out into the warm sun. I shut the door behind me and took a deep breath. In, and out. Then I strolled down our stone path and out the white front gate.

Cars cruised past me as I headed towards the park on the sidewalk. I turned down another street and passed a small cafe on the corner. Me and my grandma sometimes had lunch there. I passed five parked cars that were blue and three that were red. And then I reached the park.

The big beautiful trees swayed softly in the wind as the warm sun shone through their leaves. I followed the cracked stone path as it bended around the bushes and park benches. I watched my feet walk on the ground. Then there was a flash and I bumped into something solid. I stumbled backwards and fell on my butt. I looked up to see what I had ran into. A guy about my age looked down at me with a hand held out to help me up. I kept my gloved hands to myself and stood up without his help.

"I'm so sorry." he said worriedly, "Are you ok?"

I just looked at him and stayed silent. I froze up and didn't know what to say. The dark haired boy smiled and searched my face for some sort of answer. I managed to nod at him.

"Ok. Well sorry again. Bye." The guy said before passing me and continuing down the path. I smiled at his smile that was now imprinted in my mind. I slowly began to walk forward again. I just couldn't stop smiling. I managed to shake it off as I sat down on a green park bench. I watched a mother stroll pass with a pram. Then a group of young boys on their scooters raced past me on the stone pathway. I got up and wandered out of the park gates.

Next stop for the day was the Mall. My stomach was craving some sort of salad for lunch and I intended to make it happy. I passed several shops and stands, and went up two escalators before finally reaching the food court.

I scanned the area for a café of some sort and spotted one all the way over the other side. I let out a sigh before weaving my way through all the hungry people. A little girl suddenly screamed at a table to my left and I jumped. I curved around the bins and passed other fast food shops. I finally reached the line up for the café. It got to me and I ordered a caesar salad and an orange juice. I wish there was an outdoor seating area, but there isn't. So I found a small table amongst the crowd to sit at. I didn't bring enough money for shopping, so after I finished my lunch I headed straight out of the mall.

I strolled casually home, excited thoughts about tomorrow in my head. I enter my house and call out to Gran to let her know I'm home.

A/N: I'm sorry that was bad but I promise it gets better :) :(

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