Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Q & A

(^Lucky coincidence^)

After making sure Chris and Aaron could find another way home, me and Quentin made our way outside towards the car.

I was nervous, my palms sweating in my gloves and my breathing erratic. The car ride home was going to be awkward, and I had to somehow avoid dropping any hints about my secret.

Quentin opens my door for me and I slide in carefully, then watch him walk around the front of the ute and get in the drivers seat beside me. He starts the engine and we begin our drive in silence.

I look at his hands as they grip the steering wheel, his arms tense and his muscles bulging. He keeps his gaze forward, showing not a lot of emotion in his face.

Looks like I have to make the first move.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you." I say cautiously.

He glances sideways to look at me and his expression immediately softens.

"You don't have to be sorry. I was being a dick." He sighs.

"I know you were just looking out for me. It's just that I'm sick of people not trusting me."

"I trust you." He replies after a pause.

"You'd be the first." I turn to look out the window.

It is silent except for the radio playing very quietly through the speakers.

"You have a lot of secrets, don't you?" Q asks almost rhetorically.

I freeze, afraid he already has me figured out.

"Not many, just a few." I try and keep the conversation light.

"You intrigue me, sleeping beauty. You aren't like other girls."

"Is that why you've taken me under your wing?" I smile, "So you can learn all my secrets?"

"Something like that." He winks at me quickly before looking back to the road.

"Well maybe I should learn more about you first before I go telling you all my secrets." I turn the conversation away from me.

"I'm boring. There isn't much to tell." He replies flatly.

"Don't lie to me Q, this is an honest only zone." I smile.

"I'm serious!" he laughs, "I'm the second most boring person you'll ever meet."

"Who is the first?" I chuckle.

"My history teacher. She could kill an entire party just by talking."

"See! I'm learning things about you already." I grin.

"When do I get to learn about you then?" He asks.

"You already have learnt about me."

"Well I can't be answering all the questions. How about we take it in turns? Like a '20 questions' kind of deal."

This could get risky.

"Fine. But we get 4 questions each, that's all." I respond. "You go first."

"Ok. What is your favorite season?"

"You are wasting your question on that?" I chuckle.

"Just answer it, princess."

"Spring. I think it's the most beautiful."

"Good. Now you ask."

"Do you have any siblings?"

"I have a step brother and a step sister, they're twins. My parents divorced when I was younger and my mum re-married. What about you?"

"Just me. No brothers or sisters."

"Interesting." He nods slowly.

"How many girlfriends have you had?" I ask.

"A few. Four or Five maybe. Ummm," he thinks of a question for me. "What do you think of high school so far?"

"It's great for the most part. I like it much better than being homeschooled. But some of the people can get pretty intense." I laugh softly.

"You have two questions left and I have one," Q reminds me.

"I'll ask my last two now then. What has happened to the girls you've had in your life in the past? And why did u decide to become friends with me?"

He sighs and rubs his forehead.

"I just could never choose the right girls I guess. Every relationship seemed to go wrong weather it was sooner or later. These girls were all the same in a way," He says, "They were users. Beautiful bitchy girls who didn't really care about me. When I saw you refusing that guy in the cafeteria I knew you were different. I saw innocence and wisdom at the same time. I can see it in your eyes that you hide a lot of things from everyone, and you hate doing it."

I sit paralyzed. What am I supposed to say to that? How can someone I've known for only a week understand me so well like that?

"Wow, Q. I wasn't expecting such a detailed response." I awkwardly laugh.

"I guess it's my last question now," He glances at me. "Do you mind if I ask about your mum?"

"I don't mind, I'm ok talking about her. She died when I was about six. My dad said it was a car accident, that she was tired and just ran off the road driving home one night. I don't really remember the funeral or even seeing a coffin, it was all a big blur of darkness to me. My Nanna, her mum, moved in with us straight after she died and began homeschooling me." I recall that time of my life to Quentin.

I notice the ute has stopped and we are parked on the side of the street where Q picked me up earlier.

"I'm sorry about your mum." He says, "I can't imagine having to go through that so young."

"It's ok. I think it made me a stronger person. I do miss her though."

We sit quietly and I can see out the corner of my eye that Quentin is watching me. I shift uncomfortably under his gaze before looking back at him.

"Thank you for driving me and looking after me at the party." I say.

"That's ok, it was my pleasure." He smiles and winks at me.

"Goodnight." I nod with a grin.

"Wait, Aurora." Q grabs my arm to stop me opening the car door.

I look at him with confusion and sit back in my seat.

"Can I have a bonus question?" he asks.

"I guess so." I say curiously.

"Ok then. Why do you always wear gloves?"

A/N- I feel like this book is so boring. Im trying to keep it interesting it is just taking a while to get into things. Please just bare with me :(

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