Chapter 24

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Chapter 24: Answers

"Aurora?" A deep, soft voice whispers.

I blink awake and look up at Quentin. He softly smiles and brushes a stray hair from my cheek. My bedroom curtains have been pulled shut to dim the room.

"Are you ok, Rory?"

"It's better than being called 'it'." I mumble and he frowns slightly before smiling.

"You're safe now." He whispers.

I sit up and the room tilts, making me bring my hand to my head. I look down at the large bandage wrapped around my leg, then back up at Q.

"How long have I been out?"

"A couple hours. It's almost dark now."

"Where's Dad and Gran?"

"Downstairs, I think your grandma is cooking us some dinner."

"Good. I'm starving," I smile and he smiles back.

It is quiet as I watch him think.

"Aurora. I'm so sorry about what happened. I should have done something-"

"Quentin," I stop him. "It wasn't your fault. There was nothing you could do. I'm home now."

He looks at me and nods. "I'm glad you're ok."

I move across the bed and wrap my arms around him. He hugs me tightly back and we hold the tender moment. When we let go, my mind drifts back to the place I was stuck in.

"What is it?" Q asks.

"Nothing," I say, "I'm hungry. Let's go eat."


I eat more than I have ever eaten in my life. My family and Quentin watch me in shock as I go back for seconds, then thirds.

When I am finally full, we all go into the lounge room. Although, I limped into the room, the others walked. I sit on the couch, and the others sit around me. They all keep glancing at me, then glancing at each other. They are waiting for me to talk. Maybe they are waiting for me to cry.

"I don't know what you want me to say. But first, I would like some answers."

I have been preparing this conversation in my head for days.

"What is it, honey?" Gran looks at me softly.

I swallow the lump in my throat. "What really happened to Mum."


"Don't lie to me, Gran. I know you have been lying to me I heard you and dad talking a while ago and I know that you haven't been telling me the truth. I have had enough. The lying ends now. I want the truth. All of it."

Gran and Dad look at each other nervously.

"She needs to know now, Jack." She says.

He looks down, then up at me.

"We were only trying to protect you, Aurora. We weren't lying to try to hurt you, we only wanted to keep you safe."

"Just tell me, Dad. I want to hear it." I stay stern.

He gulps and glances nervously back at Gran again.

"Your Mother," he begins, "She didn't die in a car accident. Her funeral, you may remember it as one, but it was a memorial. We didn't bury your mother that day."

My heart feel as if it has stopped in my chest and I clutch at my shirt.

"She was taken," Gran says, "I assume by the same people who kidnapped you. We waited for her to come back. But when people like that take you away, it is very unlikely that you get very far.... alive."

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