Chapter 25

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Chapter 25: Holly and Oscar

"Aren't your parents concerned about you?" I ask.

"What do you mean?"

"You're missing school right now, you are always with me which means you are never home. Aren't they worried?"

"The twins are enough for my mum and step-dad to handle, they barely notice me half the time. But I have been calling Mum to let her know what's going on."

"You've told her your taking time off school to hunt down a group of murderers?"

"Well, I told her the version of that that doesn't make her freak out."

"Fair enough." I shrug.

We pull up outside the supermarket and get out of Q's ute.

"What did your Gran say we needed?"

"Just the basics, I have a list." I pull the folded white paper from my pocket and unravel it.

I scan over it as we enter the shop. I grab a red basket and head for the fruit section, Quentin followed close behind me.

We go down each isle, collecting everything we need from the list along with a few snacks me and Q decided we should buy as well. We stop at the loaves of bread and Q begins to search for the specific brand Gran has requested.

I glance around to my right, looking at nothing in particular. I have a sense of calmness in my stomach. It is the feeling of satisfaction because I'm doing something so normal. The past few weeks have been anything but normal, and doing something as mundane as grocery shopping gives me comfort.

Two people catch my attention. A young man and woman are further down the isle, idly scanning over the shelves.

"Quentin, I think I know those people." I lightly brush his arm to get his attention.

He looks up and follows my gaze.

"I don't recognize them. Are they family? Friends of the family?"

"I'm not sure. I just know that I know them." I realize I'm staring and look back at the bread.

"Well go talk to them then. If you know them then they'll know you and you will figure out who they are." He smiles as he finds the right loaf of bread.

"Never mind," I shake my head and we walk towards the check out.

After paying for all our items, we get in Q's ute and head south towards the cemetery. I had bought a fresh bundle of flowers to place at my mother's grave.

The air is significantly cooler on the edge of town. I wrap my coat further around me, then Q passes me the flowers.

"You want me to wait here?" He asks.

"No, you can come if you like." I offer a smile and he follows me towards my mother's headstone.

"Hi Mum," I greet her, even though I know her body is not here. "This is Quentin."

He dips slightly to resemble a respectful bow.

I kneel down and take out the old crippled flowers from the pot, replacing them with the new healthy ones. I sigh contently, then look up and scan around the cemetery filled with other graves. I can't help but wonder how many other people's headstones are not accompanied by a body. How many families have had to live without the closure of burying a body.

A silver car catches my eye. But it is not the car that is interesting.

"Q." I stand up and point slightly in the same direction.

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