Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Caught

I'm not usually one to swear, but.....


I swallow the lump in my throat the best I can while I try to think of an answer.

"Aurora?" Q says, wondering why I'm so silent.

What am I supposed to say?!

"I um, I have to go." I blurt out and jump out of the ute, slamming the door shut.

I speed walk across the road and hear another car door shut behind me.

"Aurora!" Quentin calls as he jogs to catch up with me.

"I'm sorry," he says as I stop and turn to face him, "I didn't know I was crossing a line."

The frustration is building up inside of me. Seeing him be confused and apologetic when he didn't do anything wrong just hurts me even more.

"You didn't do anything wrong, Q." I sigh, "I just can't tell you some things about me, and you are just going to have to accept that."

"Don't you trust me?"

Oh god, now he's playing the trust card.

"You know I trust you," I say, "But it's safer and easier if my secrets are kept secret."

The cold air pricks my skin and softly blows my loose hair from my face. Q sighs and runs his fingers over his head nervously. In the dim moonlight, I can barely depict his facial expressions.

"I really like you, Aurora, if you haven't noticed." He chuckles.

"I like you too. I enjoy spending time with you and Chris and Aaron, " I relax.

I'm glad we got off the subject of my gloves.

"So, I'm not going to get an answer about the gloves?" Q asks tentatively.

Oops, spoke too soon.

"I just like wearing them, is that a good enough answer?"

"For now," he smirks, "Can I walk you to your door?"

"Actually," I smile, "If you want to walk me anywhere it will be to my bedroom window, as of the fact my dad doesn't actually know I went out tonight."

"Oooh," Q says, slinging an arm over my shoulder as we walk, "I didn't know you had it in you to be rebel."

"There are a lot of things you don't know about me." I nudge him playfully.

"You can say that again."


"Aurora? Honey?"

I groan and roll over away from the sunlight coming through my bedroom window.

"Aurora." My grandma says again.

"Yes?" I mumble tiredly.

"I'm going out to run some errands, do you need anything?"


"Excuse me?"

"I said, no thank you gran." I correct my language so she is satisfied.

"Right then," She pats my leg through the covers, "So how was the party?"

And my heart stops, along with my breathing.

Oh dear god, please save me now.

"I see you've found another purpose for this lovely green dress." Gran adds.

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