Chapter 30

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A/N- Hey!

Just wanted to say sorry in advance....and this might be a bit of a short chapter.

Chapter 30: She can't be

I woke screaming.

A thick line of sweat dampened my back and my head instantly began to throb. I looked around my bedroom as my dad rushed to my side.

"Sweetie it's ok, I'm here." He sits on the bed and pulls me into a hug.

I calm my breathing so I can begin to think straight again.

"What happened?"

Dad pulls away and looks at me. "I don't think the details are important. What matters is that you're safe now and you don't have to worry about those awful people anymore." He tucks my hair behind my ear and smiles weakly.

"What about everyone else?"

"Quentin went home to rest and see his family. Holly, Oscar and the rest of those guys are at their homes sleeping too. Tyler's wound is clearing up. Your mum is in our bedroom asleep."

I nod, satisfied with his answer. I rub my eyes then wipe my forehead, feeling awfully queazy.

"Are you alright, Roar?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"Lil told me you went through some pretty traumatic things down in that base. I just want you to know it's over now and we are here for you."

I manage a smile, "Thanks Dad."

I go to lay back down but someone opens my door. It is a man who looks slightly older than my dad but I don't recognize. He wears small glasses on the end of his nose and hasn't got much if his grey hair left.

"Am I interrupting?" He asks politely.

"No, Doctor, come on in." My dad gets up and steps away from me. "Aurora, this is Holly's doctor, Dr. Phillips. He has been healing you."

"Healing me?"

"Yes, Holly mentioned that he's a healer, remember? You have some wounds and so forth that need healing."

"Why can't Gran do it?" I ask, watching dad carefully as he looks at the floor.

"I assure you, I know what I'm doing," Dr.Phillips says but I ignore him, panic rising in me as dad avoids my eyes.

"Dad?" I insist, "Where is Gran?"

"Aurora I'm sorry..." he steps towards me but I jump out of my bed and back up.

"Where is she? Why isn't she here?" My throat tightens and suddenly tears are pouring down my cheeks.

"She got shot while she was healing Tyler and she just couldn't hold on, I'm sorry-"

"! You're lying!" I burst, a thousand emotions exploding inside of me. "You're lying she can't be! She is just downstairs cooking or doing the washing or planting her flowers, she can't be dead!"

I collapse to the ground, the weight of my pain to much for my body to handle. Dad comes over to me, his own eyes teary, and holds me tightly to him. He strokes my hair and soothingly rocks me back and forth in a crumpled heap on the floor. The doctor has left and it is just me and Dad.

He whispers soft words to me but I can't hear him over my uncontrolled sobbing.


Hours passed and I was too tired to continue crying, so Dr.Phillips came back and healed some still sensitive wounds.

I pulled on some new pajamas after he left and wandered into Mum and Dad's bedroom. The sound of running water from the bathroom indicated Dad had gone for a shower, so it was mum who was beneath the sheets of their bed.

It was a sight I thought I would never see again. It was like I was living in a dream and I never had to wake up. She was here, alive. It was only a few months ago that I still believed she had died in a car accident. It was only a week ago that I believed she had died at the mercy of The Pentagon. And now she was alive, here in her bed she hadn't slept in in over 10 years.

I walk over to Dad's side of the bed and crawl in next to her. She wakes and blinks her eyes at me, then smiles.

"My baby." Her eyes glint with adoration for me.

I wriggle closer to her and she wraps her arms around me as I do the same. We lay and cuddle, sinking into the comforting feeling that we are finally together again.

And then she started to cry. Not loudly or desperately, just a quiet sniff along with a few tears. Which made me cry too, so we hugged each other tighter. I cried partly out of utter relief that my mother was alive, and partly because Gran never got to be with her daughter again.

Dad told me that in Gran's last few minutes, she got to see her daughter again one last time. Dad had laid mum by her and Gran stroked her hair and told her she loved her. But then she slipped away from us and was gone forever.

Mum leant over to grab a tissue from her bedside table and wiped my tears before wiping her own.

"You've grown up so much." She whispers while scanning over my face. "We have so much to catch up on."

I smile. "Yes, we do. But we have all the time in the world for that."

I snuggle closer to her and breath her in, memories flowing back at the scent of her. I've missed her. All those years I spent grieving over her were now somewhat pointless.

And now I instead must grieve for my Grandmother.

A/N- *hides under covers*

There will be one more chapter then the epilogue.
Sorry again, love you all, bye!

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