Chapter 17

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Chapter 17: Clues and Confrontation

"Quentin, look what I found."

I pull the draw completely out of the desk and sit it on the floor. I pick up the papers and start to flick through them as Q joins me on the ground.

"What's with the drawings?" He asks while looking at the pages.

Multiple sheets of paper are covered in sketches, most of the sketches featuring a young girl and her father.

"Hey, notice how this shape is on some of them?" I point and show Quentin the little pentagon shape in some of the drawings.

"Maybe some artist lived here. You know, like the ones that can't sell their paintings and stuff? Maybe they were poor and crashed here."

"As in the shape is like their signature?"

"It's possible."

"Anything is possible right now. But you would think it would be on all the drawings if that was the case. And shouldn't there be more than just these pages?"

"I'm not sure." Q says. "I think we are starting to grasp at straws to be honest."

I let out a sigh. "Maybe. Maybe there was something to find here when the place was actually being used. Maybe we are too late."

"I could try and find newspaper articles about places in this area that were closed down. Maybe it will come up somewhere."

I nod at him and he leans against the desk and starts searching on his phone.

"I just feel like we are missing something important and obvious." I think out loud. "The clues that have lead us here might be clues that can help us now."

I think back to the book with the underlined letters. Then back to the card which I found in a box of my mothers things. And the thing that started it all, the photo with the writing on the back.

"Wait a minute." My mind suddenly starts to click.

"What is it?" Q looks up from his phone.

"The writing on the back of the photo. I knew that looked familiar, why didn't I realize before." I quickly pull out my phone and go to my photos.

"Aurora, what is it?"

"I took a photo of the back of the picture of my mum just in case we needed to look at the writing again." I click on the photo and my heart beats faster. "I knew it! Look!"

I turn the phone around to face Q and he looks confused. "What am I looking at?"

"Look next to my name, the sketch."

Quentin's eyes widen, then he picks up one of the pages from the ground with a drawing on it. "That pentagon shape."

"I thought it rung a bell to see the shape. It is scribbled right there next my name on the back of the picture. That can hardly be a coincidence can it?"

"So whoever drew these drawings wrote that writing on the photo of your mum?"

"It has to be. It makes sense."

"Do we still think it is your mum who left all these clues?"

"I haven't got any other theories. We have no other evidence to believe it was any one else. It is all connected to her."

"So what does the pentagon drawing have to do with anything?"

"I'm not sure. It has to mean something though."

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