Chapter 28

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A/N: God, I've been waiting so long to write this chapter and I finally get to. I'm so excited!

This book is nearing its end very quickly and I'd just like to say thanks to everyone for the support so far!

Enjoy ;)


Chapter 28: Surprise

So, things didn't go quite as planned, and now I'm pretty much back where I started. A hundred feet underground and stuck in a dark concrete room with nothing except the markings on the wall to keep me company.

I pace back and forth, before deciding I should probably save my energy, then proceed to sit down against the wall.

I think about the people on the surface above me, fighting for the freedom of not only me, but everyone else down here. I think about Tyler, and hope that his wound was not too severe for Grandma to fix. I think about my dad, and hope that he is ok and that he will forgive me one day for all this disobedience and for the stress I have caused him. I then think about Quentin, and pray for his safety and that he doesn't do anything stupid while I'm not there to stop him.

And that's when the door bursts open, and the lab coat woman appears. Seeings as I'm the only one in here, I can only assume she is here for me.

The two henchmen come at me but I'm prepared this time, springing from my feet and ducking under their arms. I spin on my heel and grip my hand to the back of one of the men's necks, the only place where skin is exposed. I blind him and take his hearing before ducking the taser which is jabbed at me from the other guy.

I turn and suddenly realize there is the barrel of a gun aimed directly at my head. I freeze.

"Don't move, or I will shoot you." The woman speaks.

"If you shoot me, what good am I for your experiments?" I argue.

I will not plead for my life this time. I owe my dead mother that much.

"We can still make use of your genetic coding and the parts of your brain that aren't blown to bits. Cuff it."

I realize I had forgotten about keeping the guys senses from him and he is fully aware, now handcuffing my bruised and bloodied hands together.

"I have a surprise for you." The woman says, a sinister smirk pulling at her lips.

"For me? You shouldn't have." I retort in a flat tone.

They push me down the corridor and I notice noise from the other rooms I didn't hear before. I hear shouting, yelling, and protesting. The people inside are outraged, and I can't help but to think word has gotten down here about us coming to free them.

Well, I'm in certainly no position to be doing any freeing right now.

I use the sound of their fighting voices to propel me onwards, keeping my head high and my mind focused. I try hard to take the woman's senses from her, but her brain is impenetrable. I think she possibly has some sort of shield to protect herself from our powers, mentally and probably physically.

One wrong move and I could be dead in an instant. But the cries of these tortured people make my blood boil with hatred for The Pentagon. My heart begins to race the more I think about what they have done and what they will do if we don't stop them.

If I don't stop them.

Before I can think twice about it, I am shocking the two henchmen with my overwhelming power and they stumble before falling at my feet. I turn and hurl myself at the woman before she can draw her gun, sending us both down onto the ground. With your hands handcuffed, it isn't exactly easy to try and wrestle with someone, let alone someone who is trying to kill you.

I manage to kick her gun away from her and across the floor, then land a foot square in her stomach. I get up and dive for the gun, but her hand catches my ankle and sends me face first back onto the concrete ground. I instead begin to army crawl for her weapon but she is up and on me before I make much progress.

We roll about the narrow corridor in a tangle of arms and legs, trying to get in any blow we can. I knee her chest as she reaches for my neck, she pins my hands as I spit at her face. I try anything that might give me the upper hand. No matter how hard I try, my powers don't effect her one tiny bit.

She has me on the ground beneath her and is landing punches to my cheek. I can taste the blood in my mouth, metallic and salty. Suddenly she stops punching me and springs upwards.

Instead of going for the gun like I thought she would, she runs to the end of the corridor. While she is punching in the code to the keypad, I grab the gun and hold it firmly in my still handcuffed hands. She unlocks the door as I'm charging for her, then she turns and sees me coming and tries to quickly close it behind her.

But I'm already there and stick my body halfway through the gap. She stumbles away and lets me slip through, allowing myself to feel somewhat victorious for a moment.


Guns are aimed at me from every direction. Men and Women in medical scrubs from head to toe are surrounding me in a semicircle with their weapons raised.

"You honestly thought you could win?" She laughs pitifully.

I scan around the room, trying to use my powers on every single person. But they are like the lab coated woman, their bodies immune to my abilities.

Crap times ten.

I hesitate then lower my gun to the ground and place it down slowly.

"Not very observant today, is It?" The woman asks the others.

Again with the 'It' thing, seriously?

"When the rest of us get down here, you are all going to be sorry." I hiss at the room of people.

I notice this room is different. There is much more equipment and weird science looking things that look like something from a movie. Glass containers with bubbling colored fluids inside, sharp tools and needles on trays.

"Are you ready for your surprise now?" The woman asks me with the same sinister smile on her face.

A gap parts in the semicircle of people and a medical bed that is almost vertical is wheeled forward. A woman is strapped to it, wires and tubes coming out of her everywhere and a scary mechanism attached to her head.

And that's when I realize I know her.

At first I can't figure out where I know her from, the bruises on her face and the gauntness of her body makes her almost unrecognizable. But when I figure it out, the realization hits me like a knife to the chest, my throat choking up and my stomach twisting with a thousand butterflies.....


A/N: Boom! Bombshell dropped mother fudgers!

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