Chapter 19

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Chapter 19: Blossoming

With my family lying to me, I have decided to take matters into my own hands and find out the truth for myself. Even if that involves snooping around my dad's office.

I scan the hallway left and right before pushing the already ajar door further open. I creep in and close it quietly behind me. I'm not really sure exactly what I'm looking for, but lets just say I'll know when I see it.

I go over to his desk first, pulling open every draw only to find stationary equipment such as pencils and paper. I move over to the bookshelf, scanning each row for a book that stands out. Out of curiosity, and a little bit of hope, I pull the tops of random books just in case a hidden door were to appear. It doesn't, and I am slightly disappointed.

I then go over to the filing cabinet and scan through the top draw. It is full of insurance papers and banking things I don't understand. So far, nothing has seemed out of place. I drop down on my knees and go to pull out the bottom draw, but it doesn't move.

I try again but it stays firmly shut. I then spot the tiny keyhole on the front and frown.

It's locked.

I look around for any sign of a good hiding spot for a key but realize it could be absolutely anywhere and the chances of me finding it any time soon are thin. My patience has become less and less over the past few weeks and I want answers now.

I pull the hair pins from my hair and stretch them out like I saw in a YouTube video once.

Don't laugh, I was bored.

I push them into the keyhole and start to twist them, working in a way to unlock the draw.

I hear a knock on the front door and the sound of my grandma shuffling down the hall to get it. I work faster, feeling a sudden pressure to get the draw unlocked.

"Aurora!" Gran calls to me and I curse under my breath.

I shove the pins into my jeans pocket and leave Dad's office in the same way I found it. I casually stroll to the front door and see Quentin standing on the front step.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I ask.

"Ha-ha, very funny. Are you ready to go?" He smiles happily.

"Go where?" I frown, genuinely confused.

"Don't tell me you've forgotten, Rory." He raises an eyebrow.

"Forgotten what? Seriously I have no idea what you are talking about." I exasperate.

"Does an alley with ten pins at the end sound familiar to you?"

Oh shit.

"Oh my god, how could I have forgotten?!" I exclaim.

"That's a very good question. So are you ready? We have to leave now if we are going to be there on time." Q glances down at his watch.

"Give me five minutes," I blurt.

"But we-" He begins to say but I slam the door shut before I can hear the rest of it.

I sprint upstairs and dive for my wardrobe, frantically trying to find something decent to wear. I pull out a white shirt with watercolor flowers on the front and my denim jacket. I look down and search for the right shoes at the bottom of the cupboard. I grab my brown heeled boots and cram my feet into them. I go to my mirror and let my hair down, brushing it quickly so it sits in it's natural loose curls.

After grabbing my purse and phone, I run quickly downstairs again. Just before I reach the front door, I hear Gran say my name. I cringe, then back step to the kitchen and turn to face her.

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