This Project Has Been Retired

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Hey Everyone, sorry if this is somewhat sudden.

I say somewhat because i haven't released a Chapter since April.

I am sadly going to have to end DuckTalk.

My Reasons Behind why is 1....well, Even I am not going to Sugarcoat it, This Book is Basically Dead. The Show itself is still going strong.

Another reason is Mostly to lessen my load. I still have 2 more books to Finish Up by the end of the Year and I have no time to review episodes.

And my last reason, honestly reviewing episodes took the fun out of it for me, I am usually not one to Nitpick stuff, I admit i can be a little too nice. Plus the Constant Hiatuses They Have Pretty Much makes it next to impossible for me to jump into review mode anyway.

I am really starting to miss the Days of me watching Cartoons For Fun.

So Yeah, those are my reasons why as of Today, Ducktalk (A Discussion On All Things Ducktales) is now officially Retired.

I'm Sorry, I wish I could Go On, but I can't no matter how hard I try.

I hope you guys understand.

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