Week 1 of 2 Review

56 3 25

Treasure of the found lamp!

Not gonna lie I half expected this to be a Cross Promo for the upcoming Aladdin Remake.

Eh the original is better but that's because it has Robin Williams.

I'm sorry the bar is set way to high for Will Smith there.

Anyway, to me this was basically adding a second episode for characters who strangely enough only appeared once in the entire series so far.

We only saw Selene once, literally a year ago this month, we haven't seen much from Gladstone, who I like better than his voice actor's other role as Mr. Peanutbutter on Bojack Horseman. Doofus Drake who was better off gone because he gave me the Creeps.

Louie: You weren't the only one, I had to sleep with a sword under my pillow.

Why not a gun?

Huey: Did you forget what Channel this was on?

Andi Mack had an Episode on Gun Safety, And last I checked Grunkle Stan owned 10 Guns.

Dewey: You do release in Weirdmageddon he used a bat right?

Webby: I never met him yet so I'm safe......but he should be more afraid of me.

Anyway! Was anyone suprised that the Beagle family owns a junkyard? Because I ain't.

Also, if there was a genie in that lamp, it would have been covered in syrup.....Thanks for nothing Doofus.

And Scrooge, if you have.....THAT many items in your collection, why not tell the kids about them.

The Outlaw Scrooge McDuck!

I really didn't like the episode, so I'm not gonna go into full detail but, it would be a lot weirder if Gyro didn't have a time machine, and Louie didn't have his fingers crossed behind his back.

Louie: He's not wrong.

And I think we can all agree Scrooge saying Dude and Vibe sounded wrong.

It strangely reminded me of this:


The 87 Cent Solution!

Not gonna lie I cringed when I read the synopsis to the episode because one Glumgold, I mean Duke Baloney, is bad enough. We don't need Scrooge to become the third most annoying character.

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