Storkules in Duckberg Review

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.....Oh Boy a Character people barely remembers returns........You know what when we get the Christmas Episode in 2 weeks I'm going to complain much.

Huey: Why do I have a feeling today's review will be rushed?

Because I'm going to skip my usual me nitpicking details in the episode and go straight into my personal thoughts on the episode.

Louie: Why would yo do-

Dewey: He's rushing because he wants to enjoy his break, plus the review took longer to come out because this Past Sunday was Mickey's 90th Birthday.....Actually it worked out because we got invited to his party!

Webby: I shived a Pie into Marco Diaz's face!

Everyone Else: *Raise Eyebrow in confusion*

Webby: He knows what he did!

Okay, any way I thought the episode was, okay at best.

I mean Scrooge Does have a point, you need a problem to solve when running a business, or at least a Product to sell.

Louie: Maybe I can sell my machine that turns water into Donuts.

Huey: For the Billionth Time, SCIENCE DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT!

Anyway, I wanna point out that Storkules, still a dumb pun of a name BTW, has a box labeled, "Donald Fan Art,"...........I don't think Donald thinks of him as a friend, I think he thinks of him as a Stalker.

Also, Webby's Business Ideas were the Best. But that's because I like Free Hugs!

Webby: *Hugs Xander*

Okay please let go, you're crushing my *gasp* windpipe!

Webby: Oops sorry!

But yeah, the episode was Okay at best.

Not really that eventful like the other episodes.

Anyway sorry for the short review, I'be been busy with other books and I have holiday shopping to do. Its that time of year you know!

See yah next time for the Christmas Specail, also, The reason why there's no theme song is because the video got removed from YouTube and I'm too lazy to look for another.

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