September Week 1 of 2

59 3 53

Sorry if this took forever to get out, I was still annoying over Steven Universe the Movie.


Okay back to Ducktales, A Woo-oo!

Geez its been too damn long!


Dewey: Oh come on I heard you scream worse when you lose at MarioKart!

Louie: You Should have saw that coming.

Webby: You Can't blame Joy-Con Drift on that!

What Ever Happened to Donald Duck?!

Okay not gonna lie, there were parts in this episode that I can see DeweyXWebby Shippers goes nuts.

Webby: Let me guess you're gonna go on your usual stop shipping 2 characters speech which no one listens to.

No, because, I kinda shipped 2 characters myself. But not Dewey and Webby, no, sorry.

Dewey: Serriously? Then who?

Promise you guys wont laugh?

I might have Shipped Launchpad and Della a little.

Huey: AH EWW!

Louie: That's our mom man, she has better taste than that!

Hey, don't judge me! That's the commentor's job! Besides at least its between to characters who aren't related! Or worse, one's a kid and the other's an Adult.

Dewey: Strangely he has a point! But our mom hates Launchpad!

True, yeah that soured the milk a little.


Louie: Get back to the review now please!

Okay, this was the episode i felt really sorry for Donald, then again I always feel sorry for poor Donald.

Afterall, as the song for$..

Who gets stuck with all the bad luck?

Who else, but Donald Duck?

But I'm saying this right now, am I the only one who got that 2001: A Space Odyssey reference from when Donald was in that Gold Bullet?

No Just Me? Okay!

Happy Birthday, Doofus Drake!

Goldie's Back!

Also can someone give Louie a Hug?

Louie: No way man!

Huey and Della's Side Plot where they play MMORPGs.....HA NERDS!

Huey: Oh like you've never played one!

I actually haven't! Why, 1 too expensive and 2 I honestly sign care for cheap like Warcraft or Dungens and Dragons, even with the Stranger Things Tie-ins they made.

I actually haven't! Why, 1 too expensive and 2 I honestly sign care for cheap like Warcraft or Dungens and Dragons, even with the Stranger Things Tie-ins they made

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Duck Talk 2 (A Dicussion on All Things DucktalesWhere stories live. Discover now