He froze, like a deer in the middle of the road awaiting for a car to hit it; helplessly watching as the driver freak out not knowing where to swerve only for it to hit-

A loud smack! Brought Todoroki back to his senses, a familiar mop of dark purple hair stood in front of them all a white suitcase in hand. She was slightly crouching ready to use the suitcase as a weapon against the villain.

"That was a close one" Akira mused, keeping her gaze at the hero killer.

"Another one huh?" Said Stain successfully retrieving his sword "you've got yourself some great friends, Ingenium."


Iida was perplexed. First of all he didn't expect himself to go down as quickly as he did, nor did he expected Midoriya to come to his rescue. He couldn't stand it, all three of them, his friends, comrades, classmates... They're-

"Why...? You guys, just stop it." Said Iida "I inherited my brother's name, I have to do this. I-"

"Inherited...?" Todoroki cut him off launching a fire attack at the villain, Akira jumping from wall to wall to get a read on the hero killer: the white suitcase still in hand.

"That's weird..." The dual haired boy crouched generating a wall of ice. Akira landed on the ground beside him, speeding the process the wall's making.

"The Ingenium I know didn't have that expression," Todoroki remarked "I guess your family is going through a lot right now..."

"I have intel on his quirk." Akira said placing her suitcase on the concrete.

She lightly pressed the side of her glasses her lips forming a thin line as she quickly re-read through the status.

"Akaguro Chizome or more known as the Hero Killer: Stain. His quirk is called bloodcurdle ones he gets a taste of your blood you will temporarily fall immobilized." Akira summarized quickly "how long it takes depends on the blood type. B being the longest and O being the shortest time span."

Midoriya's fingers twitched.

Todoroki's ice wall shattered.

"You purposely obstructed the view of someone faster than you." The villain scolded. "What a stupid plan."

Shoto glared "we'll see about that."

Shards of ice flew all over, Akira tsked using the wind to divert them away from the injured.

She grabbed her suitcase and pressed the handle reveling one out of three koukaku quinques. Yukimura.


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ripping the white hilt as the RC cells form the blade in blazing red.

Akira launched herself as Shoto sent a blast of fire towards the hero killer preparing to strike when a blade met with her right shoulder.

"Not bad for a ghoul." Her purple eyes widen at the realization that the villain recognized her, but how...?

'An enhanced blade-!' *

Unable to retract her body, Akira stared helplessly and painfully, as her entire right arm fall limply onto the concrete she landed on the ground shortly after it, wincing in pain as the rest stared a her horrified.

With her left, Akira held onto her quinque preparing herself to move again when; unintentionally, she froze.

'his quirk!' she cursed. She accepted her fate as she mechanically plopped herself into the ground in a sitting position, her expression pressed into a constipated like pain.

"KANEKI!/AKIRA!" The two distinct voices of Iida and Shoto yelled as they witness the gruesome scene before them.

Shoto's expression shifted from shock to worry to immense pain as two knives pierced themselves to his left arm, Stain once again launching himself to land the final blow with the exact sword he used to cut the half ghoul, was thrown off by a blur of green who now can move.

"Midoriya!" Todoroki yelled in shock.

"I can move again!" The greenette declared "just like Kaneki said- KANEKI!"

Seeing the purple haired girl's condition, Midoriya's focus wavered and using this as an opportunity, Stain threw the teen back where he came from.

After a serious conversation between TodoDeku, they initiated their attack with Midoriya in the frontlines with Todoroki as back up.

Unfortunately once again the green haired hero was immobilized and was hunched near the wall bleeding purposely.

"RIGHT!" Midoriya and Akira warned as Todoroki sent another wave of fire and ice towards the hero killer.

Akira's body twitched, she grinned sadistically, lifting her legs and balancing herself using her quinque.

She glared at the noseless villain, finally able to move again.

With Yukimura held tightly by her left hand, she raised her arm and leaped at the hero killer, to help Shoto and Iida regroup (she noticed the blue haired male twitch indicating times almost up) and Midoriya recover, she yelled:



Authors Note

* Enhanced blade :
This is something I made up, originally I was gonna give Stain a quinque but I was like nah it kind doesn't fit, at least to me. So I came up with the concept an enhanced blade a specially made weapon against beings like ghouls inspired by Rick Riordan's books the Celestial bronze weapons, for example Percy's Riptide; a celestial bronze sword, can't harm regular mortals like it can with monsters and half-bloods. An enhanced blade is basically inspired by Luke's Backbitter; a specially forged sword with fused Celestial bronze and normal metal, it is a deadly weapon that can harm both mortals and immortals (half-bloods and monsters) alike.

I wrote this at 1am spare me

Edit 1/28/21: my dumbass forgot to publish this after finishing an  extra chapter yesterday lol, pls forgive

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