Chapter 41

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"Prince Loki of Asgard and Princess Maeve of Asgard."

As usual, they were presented first. It was a bit difficult for Maeve to buy Odin's claim that both of his sons were equal in his eyes (or eye, actually) when this happened every. Single. Time. Either way, she had no negative emotions tonight. Smiling brightly, she let Loki lead her down the beautiful staircase amidst cheering and stomping. Even if the king didn't love the young couple, the people did.

Loki leaned down and whispered into her ear, "can we leave yet?"

"No, silly husband," she whispered back. "The party's only just starting."

"I know." They stood in their designated places in the hall as Thor and Sif were announced. "That was why I wanted to leave."

"Come on, Lo. Enjoy tonight. Let's celebrate! For once, we have something to celebrate!" Her enthusiastic smile and puppy dog eyes made him melt a little inside, although he kept up his cool expression for the benefit of those around him.

"Anything for you, darling," he said, snaking a hand around her waist. "Anything at all."

Thor and Sif joined them as the king and queen were announced to the hall. Sif wore a scarlet gown with halter straps that showcased her muscular arms. She had styled her hair in dark waves that fell loosely past her shoulders. Because he couldn't help staring, Thor missed a step while they walked down the stairs. His date had to haul him up in front of the foreign dignitaries, a sight Loki couldn't help snickering at.

Maeve leaned over to her best friend when she took a place standing near her. "Want to hear a secret?"

"Oh, more than anything," Sif replied, playfully rolling her eyes. "Just how secret is this secret of yours?"

"If you tell a soul," Maeve said mischievously, "then Loki will have to kill you with daggers."

"He could try, but he most certainly would fail in that endeavor," she laughed. Loki's eyebrows quirked up in amusement but he said nothing to confirm or deny this. "Yes, of course I'll keep your secret. What is it?"

Maeve grinned, then whispered something muffled in her ear. Sif pulled back, excitement lighting up her coal-colored eyes.

"Are you really?" She questioned. When Maeve nodded, Sif laughed out loud. "Very nice."

"Sif!" Maeve exclaimed, turning bright pink while Loki and Thor roared with laughter. "That's inappropriate!"

"So are the actions you and Loki engaged in to land yourselves in this situation."

"Sif, stop it! Loki, stop laughing!"

"I would, but this is the only time I've ever liked Sif and I want to remember it," Loki gasped, actually wiping tears from under his eyes because he laughed so hard. 

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