Chapter 19

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Ice bit at Maeve's cheek when she woke. Frost covered the ground, frost which wasn't there when she fell asleep. It seemed that the longer they stayed, the worse the weather became. Forgetting her injury, she pushed herself up into a sitting position before letting out a gasp as pain shot through her shoulder.

"Are you all right?" The flickering flames reflected in Loki's green eyes as she stared at him over the fire. He spoke in a soft, detached voice, like he was afraid of being pushed away.

"Yeah, I just put too much weight on my shoulder." Noticing the bags under his eyes, she gave him a thin smile. "I'll be fine, Loki. Listen, I've been asleep all night. You should get some rest while you still can."

"You are injured," he said, holding up a hand to protest. "You need to rest more than I do."

"But you're exhausted." She cautiously approached the prince and sat a few feet away from him, in case he did not want to be near her. Maeve tentatively reached out her hand and rested it on top of his. He flinched but didn't pull away. "We're so close to finishing this and finding him. Please get some rest."

"You're healing. I don't need to rest," he muttered.

"Yes, you do."

A small smile worked its way onto his face. "You're not going to give up, are you?"


Loki chuckled and placed his other hand on top of hers. "All right. You win." Stifling a yawn, he stretched out and started to lay down, but stopped and sat back up. "I am sorry about last night."

"Me too," Maeve whispered.

"When we get back to Asgard, we'll talk," he said slowly, thinking as he spoke. "Nothing has to be resolved right now."

"Can I say something though?" She waited for him to nod before she continued. "What Corey said wasn't true. I didn't hate you. I never did. I was just so scared of everything that came with our marriage. I didn't know you or your family. I'd only ever been to Asgard the one time, and that ended badly. I took all of those negative emotions and I pinned them all on you. That wasn't fair of me, and I'm sorry."

Loki stared at their joined hands, contemplating. "I forgive you. I wasn't particularly welcoming of you when you first came, anyway."

"And for what it's worth, I appreciated you standing up for me."

"Your gratitude is not necessary. I meant every word I said. I never want you to feel trapped again." Loki hesitated before voicing a thought that truly scared him. "And if you feel trapped in your relationship with me, I'm sure two minds as bright as ours can work a way out of it."

She was shocked. "That's the last thing I want."

"Are you sure?"

Maeve nodded. "Don't get me wrong, it's still scary. Terrifying, really. But I think it's something I can face as long as you face it with me."

"My dear, that's quite a lot of pressure for one man to handle."

"Loki, just go to sleep," she said in a teasing tone.

"As my lady wishes." He raised her slim hand, kissed her knuckles, and smiled briefly before at her laying down. After he fell asleep, she carefully moved him so that his head was resting in her lap. He didn't even stir as she did this, already too far into his dreams. She wondered how long it had been since he had gotten a full night's rest and bent to kiss him softly on the forehead.

"Thank you," She whispered, her voice barely audible over the crackling fire and howling wind. "For everything."

The princess unsheathed her dagger and glanced around even though she saw no danger in their immediate future. Still, it would do her well to be prepared for anything. For a brief second, she swore she heard a twig snap, but no one emerged. My mind's playing tricks on me in the dark. Her thoughts flitted to Roscoe, cold and alone somewhere close by. Maeve's heart filled with pity for her brother who had no fire or cloak to keep himself warm.

Maeve waited until she could hear Loki's slow, even breathing to unclasp the cloak he gave her and drape it over his tall form, shivering as she did so.

"Keep the cloak," he murmured, half-asleep.

"You're supposed to be asleep," She chided him gently.

He opened his eyes, emerald eyes still cloudy from slumber. "All the same, I don't get cold as easily as you do. I'd appreciate if you'd keep it. The weather is unforgiving here, Maeve."

"Are you sure?"


She fastened the cloak back around her neck. "There. I'm taken care of now. Go back to sleep, you silly man," she whispered, running her fingers through his hair. He grinned and looked up at her.

"I'm not silly, I'm mischievous," he corrected. "Mischief and chaos. No silliness."

"It sounds like silliness to me."

"I'm not used to having someone contradict me, love."

"Get used to it."

"Should I?"

"Loki, stop flirting with your lady and go back to sleep, or I will set Mjlinor on you," Thor groaned from Maeve's right. "You're being too loud."

"Thor, shut up," she told him. He gave her a bright smile and laid back down, using his hammer as a pillow. How is that comfortable?

Loki laughed lightly. "Shall I kill him?"

"No, you should listen to him. For once." She winked at her fiancé and continued to play with his hair in such a soothing manner that he fell back asleep within minutes. She smiled down at the prince, finally peaceful in sleep.


Unbeknownst to anyone gathered around the fire, two sets of red eyes watched this exchange with sharp interest. They had been watching for quite some time now, noting the foreigners' every move, straining to hear bits and pieces of conversation. Observing one of them specifically, but not for the reasons one might think.

Both hidden by illusions, one of the Jotuns beckoned to his companion to leave the site. The two walked into the woods, sidestepping sticks and boulders that could raise suspicion. A cold wind whipped around them, but neither could be bothered by the frigid temperatures. Once they were hidden by the dead foliage of surrounding trees, they dropped the illusions.

"Do you think we've seen enough?" The shorter one asked as he shimmered into view. "We've been trailing them for days now. I think we have enough to report back now."

"It is going according to plan," the taller one said, nodding. "They will find the Vanir prince by midday and be gone soon after."

The shorter Jotun scratched his chin thoughtfully. "We could change the plan. They're all asleep except the princess, and she's injured and without her magic. Spring the attack on them while they're unaware, kill them all, and-"

"No! You know the plan!" hissed the other. Anger crossed his blue face. "We aren't supposed to hurt them. We are only meant to observe. They will leave safely this time."

"But if he just wants the prince-"

"Not yet! Don't you understand? These things take time and planning. Get that through your head. We've lured them here for a reason. For now, they remain untouched. His orders. We were tasked with finding his weakness, and we found one."

"So what do we do?"

The tall Jotun turned in the woods and his red eyes fell on the camp again, watching the raven-haired prince sleep while the blonde girl smiled gently at him.

"For now, we let them go."

It's starting to get really interesting...

Vote and comment, please, and leave predictions! Stay safe and hang out with your families, xo

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