Chapter 31

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After all of their goodbyes were said, a familiar rainbow light engulfed Loki and Maeve, transporting them from Vanaheim home to Asgard. The princess swayed as they landed, looking slightly green.

"You want to know something?" Maeve asked, holding out a hand to lean against the walls of the dome. "I hate the Bifrost. I really do."

Loki grinned. "You'll get used to it. Eventually." She stuck out her tongue at him and he grinned.

"Your Highnesses, welcome home," Heimdall said in his deep voice, offering them both a hand to shake. Maeve smiled to herself at the ridiculous formalities they all followed in public. "I'm glad to see you arrived safely. I hope you enjoyed your travels."

"We did. Thank you, Heimdall," Loki replied. "Is my father expecting us?"

Heimdall tilted his head to the side, his golden eyes momentarily far away before returning to the present. "Yes. The Allfather and Allmother are awaiting your return in the throne room. I'd suggest you go present yourselves to them."

Maeve smiled and curtseyed, remembering her court manners. She would always display respect for Heimdall, the man who helped her find her brother. "Thank you."

"We have horses waiting for the two of you outside. Oh, and my Prince!"

Loki, who had already begun to leave, turned on his heel. "Yes?"

"Don't lose your temper today."

His brow furrowed, but he nodded anyway.

Loki offered Maeve his arm and the two walked out into the sunshine, where the prince's horse, Twilight, stood tied at the edge of the Rainbow Bridge. Maeve glanced around for her own steed, who was nowhere to be found.

"Where's Ingrid?" Confusion filled the small princess. She loved to ride and was rather good at it, too.

Loki petted the black stallion's mane. Brow furrowed in thought, he said, "I don't know. Heimdall, why is there only one horse?"

"The Allfather only sent for one horse for the pair of you, Your Highness."

Maeve blinked, confused, but Loki immediately understood the motives of his father. He cracked a knuckle and reminded himself to stay calm, just like Heimdall suggested. 

He should have known that Odin would take issue with their behavior across the realms when it came to his wife's independence.

But not even letting her ride a horse by herself? The man just wanted to prove a point early.

"You can ride with me, love," he said, smiling to put her at ease. If possible, he wanted to keep her from discovering the truth because of how much it would bother her.

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