Q&A Part 2

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Q: Dear Maeve, I'm so happy to finally be able to talk to you. You're just too sweet and too cute!! 

A: You are so nice! I'm happy to talk to you, too!

Q: If you weren't going to marry Loki, who would have been the man of your dreams?

A: I don't know. I never had a boyfriend before Loki, so I guess I had a fiancee before I had a boyfriend. Loki was actually my first kiss. I always pictured myself marrying someone quiet, kind, and someone my brothers would accept. I'm hoping that's him. 

Q: If Loki ever pranked you in front of dignitaries, what would you do?

A: I will politely excuse myself and begin to plot his demise. 

Q: Hi Maeve! How did you discover you had magic powers? Also, what is your favorite thing about Loki and your least favorite?

A: Hi! *waves* I discovered I had magic when I was little and the flowers I picked kept growing back instantly. My mother put two and two together and realized I was a sorceress. My favorite thing about Loki is how thoughtful he is. He isn't brash. He puts genuine effort into everything and I admire that. My least favorite thing... when he's angry. He says things I know he doesn't mean.


Q: Let me tell you, that shoe trick was hilarious! And the fact that it hit Thor too was great! 

A: I would have to agree with you. It was hilarious, although I will credit Maeve for the shoe smacking Thor in the head. 

Q: Are you planning on continuing to tease your brother now that you have a lovely fiance who is not only good with magic but has successfully won the prank war against you?

A: Are you kidding? It's going to be better than ever now!


Q: How do you normally spend your day when you're not working?

A: I like going on horseback rides. There's nowhere in particular that I ride to. I just like to escape. I also sometimes go to the healing wing and see if I can help. There's a pretty girl I like to talk with down there.

Q: Who is your favorite out of your siblings and why?

A: I'm closest to Corey. We're opposites in some ways, but we work best together.

Q: I hope that you one day stop trying to take care of everyone because it'll only make you miserable in the long run.

A: I appreciate that, but someone has to do it. I love my father, but he's too preoccupied with being king to notice his family. Someone has to make sure they're all okay. 

Q: Is there a field of magic you'd like to explore?

A: I wish I learned to teleport. I never did, and I don't really have time to anymore, but that would be amazing.


Q: In what ways do you think Maeve and Loki are similar? In what ways are they different?"

A: Loki and Maeve both feel like outsiders. Naturally, this brings them closer together. They're also both charming and fun. Loki's mischevious side balances rather nicely with her wit and creativity. I look forward to the first April Fool's Day with her in the palace. As far as differences go, she is more open than he is. She is a softer version of him, in a way. 


Q: How did you come up with the idea of this book?

A: I wanted to write a story with balls and adventures and magic. I had absolutely zero inspiration to write a Thor fic, so this idea popped up. I was hesitant to write another Loki fic, but I love it so far! Maeve was a character I was super excited to write, too, and I love her brothers.

Q: What is your usual writing process? Do you write out the plotline first or just come up with things as you go?

A: Usually, I come up with a general idea and I run with it. When I sit down to write a chapter, I think of the main goal I need to accomplish and then see what happens. Some of my books are planned out farther than others. For example, I knew how 'The Prince and The Sol' would end most of my time writing it, but I'm not exactly sure how 'Sparks' is going to end. 

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