Chapter 29

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Asmund's study was never a place for him to escape or relax. Rather, he felt trapped every time he stepped into the room, like the four walls were closing in on him. Could one become claustrophobic for a career? He certainly thought so. The servants had recently redecorated at his request, painting the walls a light blue and de-cluttering the furniture, but a new setup couldn't possibly change how much he hated being there.

While the windows had been flung open in an attempt to let in the fresh air, the autumn weather was cooler than he expected and the chill bothered the prince, but he didn't feel like closing them. Shivering, he just paced, too many thoughts running through his mind.

Once the royal family returned early from Asgard, it was incredibly easy enough to quench the squall with the Jotunheim. Under Corey's strong leadership and decisive decision-making skills, the army kept the Frost Giants away from civilians, so there were no casualties. Some of the warriors had been injured, as did a few healers dispatched to help them, but everyone recovered quickly. This at least, Asmund was grateful for.

However, the small battle took place on the outskirts of the realm where many farmers lived and worked. Both the Jotuns and the Vanir completely trampled the fields, killing over three-quarters of their yearly harvest. The grain, the fruits, the vegetables, the cotton: all gone. Dead

The late evening light fell on a desk cluttered with papers, all proposing different solutions to their crisis. Agricultural production brought in almost all of Vanaheim's revenue. Without a bountiful harvest, famine could spread. A solution needed to be found as fast as possible. Frey continuously emphasized how much he disliked the idea of relying on Odin and their newfound alliance, leaving his eldest son to figure out the problem by himself.

Asmund sighed and ran a hand down his face. In the isolation of his study, he was able to drop all of his illusions for the first time in a few days, a small relief. He took a moment to run his finger across the marking on his wrist, smiling slightly when the gold and lilac swirls pulsated with warmth.


At Corey's voice, he quickly turned around, heart pounding as he threw up illusions once again. He leaned on the desk, hands gripping the edges, and shook his head. "I have a door. Try knocking on it once in a while."

Corey grinned and obnoxiously knocked three times before letting himself in. "Everyone's wondering where you are. You're missing all of the festivities, brother."

Maeve's homecoming was to be the biggest celebration Vanaheim had seen all year. Frey, well known across the realms for his hospitable reputation, always enjoyed throwing a party. Tonight would be no exception.

"I lost track of time, I suppose. I've been reviewing proposals all afternoon. I might turn into one soon," Asmund said, his gaze falling on the many papers scattered across his desk. "Has the ball already begun?"

"Oh, it's in full swing by now. In fact, Maeve and Loki are so popular that you can probably just sneak in at this point. No big court announcements. You always hated those, anyway." Corey grinned and crossed the room to the mirror, making sure that his navy cape fell nicely from his shoulders. "And you probably should spruce yourself up a bit. Just use magic and we can head down."

Even though Asmund didn't feel up to wasting magic on a simple clothes-changing spell, he knew that his brother would find it odd if he didn't. With a flick of his hand, his simple clothes morphing into a set of formal robes and a billowing golden cloak. He felt the energy drain from his core and swayed momentarily, but nodded at Corey with a smile.

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