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Thor knocked quietly on his mother's door, impatiently shifting on his feet. "Mother? May I come in?"

"Come in," a soft voice answered. He swung open the door to reveal his mother, Frigga, dressed in a gown the color of deep wine. She smiled and embraced her eldest. "You look handsome, my son."

"Thank you, Mother. You look lovely as well," he replied jovially. His mother shook her head, a secret smile on the edges of her lips. Thor had learned many things over the years, but quieting his voice had never been one of them.

"Where is Loki?" She questioned. "Your father expects the two of you downstairs soon."

Thor shrugged his broad shoulders. "Actually, I came to ask you the same question. It seems that he is, ah, dare I say... missing?" His grin was as bright as his golden hair as he joked playfully about his younger brother.

"When did you last see him?"

"Breakfast, I think." The two of them glances at the clock. Well past seven in the evening, and the ball was to start at eight.

Frigga only shook her head at the antics of her children. This wasn't the first and wouldn't be the last time her younger son tried to evade a party. Patting Thor's cheek fondly, she said, "You meet your father downstairs. I'll go find him."

"Will you be able to? If I'd have to guess, he has no intention of being found."

"I was raised by witches. I'll find him whether he likes it or not."

The Allmother departed from her chambers and down the golden hallways of her home with a vague idea of where her wayward son might be hiding. Everything looked especially festive fun to the decorations reminiscent of the approaching autumn season. It was her favorite time of year, a time of change and unpredictability. She smiled at the servants scuttling around trying to put finishing touches on this and that. Then, she took a turn down a hidden hallway and unsuccessfully attempted to open the corresponding door. Smiling to herself, she quickly used her magic to unlock the door. It opened to reveal, as she suspected, Loki. Camped out in his private library pleasantly ignoring the entire world while caught in one of his own. In fact, he was so wrapped up in a book that he didn't notice her walk in at all.

"Lost track of time?" She asked. His head jerked up in surprise, a scowl on his face, but once he recognized the intruder, he shook his head, carefully marking his place before setting the book beside him.

"More like avoiding it." He stood and gave her a kiss on the cheek. His green eyes held a softness reserved only for Frigga. "Is it over yet?"

She laughed at her son. "Dear, the ball hasn't even begun."

"That's what I thought," he said. With a mischievous smirk on his pale face, Loki retook his position on the couch and opened his book once more. "I'll just read another chapter or two. Or fifty."

"Loki, you cannot talk your way out of this like you have other parties. You are expected to be there. It is tradition. This is one of our grandest celebrations of the year."

"So I noticed."

"My dear." She sat on the edge of the couch and took the novel from her son, a move that would earn a minor stab wound for almost anyone else. Taking his hands in hers, she continued. "I know you aren't comfortable with crowds or parties like your brother, but tonight is an important night. It is a night where we embrace the changing of seasons, where we celebrate the year we've had. If nothing else, come for me. Enjoy the night for me."

Loki rolled his eyes. His mother knew exactly how to play him. "All right," he finally uttered, standing. With a wave of his hand, his casual clothes shimmered away, replaced with Asgardian formal robes of black and gold. A green cloak billowed out behind his shoulders. "Am I presentable enough?"

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