Chapter 7

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Maeve sat down on the balcony with a paper and quill, basking in the late afternoon sunshine. There were moments where everything felt okay. And then there were moments like these, when the loneliness welled up inside of her so much that she couldn't take it. The princess bit her lip and started to write.

Dear Corey,

It's been a week since you all left. I've missed you since we waved goodbye on the Rainbow Bridge. I've been managing okay. It's just quiet. The palace here is much larger than home, and I keep getting lost, but I'll figure it out someday. I keep to myself, mostly in the gardens, so same as usual, I suppose. I want to go riding, but I haven't found either the stables or the courage to ask where it is. You'd laugh at me if you were here, and I'd be so happy about it.

I haven't really talked too much with Loki. He keeps to himself, just like me. I feel like we're going nowhere. I don't want to marry a stranger, Corey, but I don't want to marry a man I hate, either. That puts us in a difficult situation, mainly because I don't want to mess anything up and knowing me, I probably will. He's so quiet. Each time I speak to him, it's clear how intelligent he is. I just wish we could break the ice. We have talked a few times. The other day, I thought we were really getting somewhere, but I suppose that's too much to hope for.

The rest of the family is nice enough. I barely see any of Odin, but based on the few times I've spoken to him, I'm perfectly fine with that. He seems to have no interest in getting to know me at all. I don't know what I expected.

Frigga (the Allmother) is very kind, though. She's my favorite member of the family. She's been teaching me Asgard's traditions and cultures. It can actually be fun sometimes. She's full of stories, too.

And finally, Thor. Where to start with Thor... he's loud. He's louder than Hemming, Roscoe, and Endre combined. But he's very sweet and welcoming. He's even offered to take me on a tour of the city later today with his friends. I'm so excited to finally be getting out of the palace and meeting people. I want to see all of Asgard. I think that

A knock sounded at the door, announcing the blond prince's arrival. Maeve stuffed the letter in her desk and went to answer the door. "Prince Thor!" She said brightly.

"Princess Maeve," he responded, smiling as he bowed. "Are you ready?"

"Yes." She glanced down at her outfit, a white blouse, black pants, and boots. Much more suited for the outdoors than a dress. "Shall we go?"

"We shall."

The two began to walk down the hallways at a brisk pace set by Thor's long legs. Maeve had to move quickly to keep up. "Are you enjoying the palace so far?" He asked.

"I am. It's very nice. It's just different."

"Are you and Loki getting along?"

Maeve hesitated. She wasn't sure how much she wanted to confide in him, but so far, he'd been nothing but kind and welcoming to her. "I- we're okay. We don't talk a lot."

"Well, that's not surprising," Thor said. "My brother doesn't talk much in general, at least to outsiders."

"Why?" She questioned, curiosity in her blue eyes.

Thor only shrugged. "He has always been like that. It's just part of who he is. If Loki had his way, he'd be locked up in the library all day, avoiding almost everyone and learning all there is to learn about everything."

"You have a library?"

Thor laughed at her enthusiasm. "Yes, of course. The largest in the nine realms, if I'm not mistaken."

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