Chapter 27

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At dessert the night before everyone was to leave, Maeve couldn't help noticing that something was off about Asmund. He barely ate and didn't speak unless spoken to. His usually placid blue eyes held traces of fear. While he wasn't always the loudest person and he did seem perpetually tired, this wasn't like him.

"Asmund," she whispered at one point. "You look sick."

He gave her a thin smile, but his words sounded forced. "I'm fine."

Loki's eyes flitted up from his food, detecting the lie immediately, but he said nothing.

Maeve, however, wasn't satisfied with this answer. She didn't have to be the god of lies to recognize a terrible one when she saw it. "No, you're not."

"Leave it alone, Maeve," Asmund said harshly, his fingers twitching involuntarily almost as if they were in pain until he moved his hand under the table. Loki watched them with shrewd curiosity, wondering what could possibly be wrong. At the stricken look on his sister's face, he softened. "I'm sorry. I just don't want to talk about it."

"Fine, be like that." She took a drink of wine and went back to her dinner, irritated beyond belief with her Empath brother.

"We need to go home," he whispered so quietly that even his sister could barely hear it. "Something's wrong."

Thor and the younger Freyson brothers dominated the conversation as usual, which the quieter trio didn't mind in the slightest. They just ate dinner in virtual silence as everyone else chattered incessantly.

"Damn," Asmund muttered under his breath, his eyes screwed shut. They opened seconds later, and he stood, addressing his father out of courtesy. "Excuse me for a moment, I need some air."

Frey waved him off good-naturedly and Asmund exited the room as quickly as possible. Loki and Maeve exchanged uneasy glances.

A messenger rushed in moments later, completely out of breath. He bowed to everyone at the table more than a few times.

"Rise," Odin said formally, following court manners despite the odd situation. "Who is your message for?"

"King... Frey..."

Frey frowned, leaning forward. "All right. Spit it out, then."

"You realm... it's under attack, Your... Majesty..."

Outrage and shock coursed through the table. Corey stood to leave but Maeve yanked him back down. Anger showed on each Vanir's face at the idea of their beloved home being attacked, especially when none of them were there to protect it.

"By who?" He asked sharply.

"Frost Giants."

"The bloody lot of them can never leave peace alone for ten minutes. We just had a wedding!" Frey said through gritted teeth. "Where's Asmund? Have you seen my heir?"

"I passed him in the hallway, Your Majesty. I tried to give him the news, but he just passed right by me. It was like he already knew!"

"Oh," Loki whispered in realization, looking down at his soul mark as it all fit together in his mind. After months, he'd finally figured out Asmund, rising heir to the throne of Vanaheim, the great negotiator, the would-be healer.

He knew the secret.

"What?" Maeve asked urgently. "Lo, what is it?"

"Stay here. Don't let anyone do anything rash." His fingers gripped hers momentarily. "Trust me."

The princess nodded, letting Loki slip out of the room unnoticed due to the commotion.

"We've got to go back!" Corey insisted. "Heimdall can open the Bifrost and I can have our armies prepared."

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