Chapter 9

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Adriana's POV:

I don't even know how long I've been here. I don't have a little Jade to tell me the time. They're still holding me as ransom which is okay cause they don't torture me. Well, except for the slaps, punches, and shocks I get here and there. They also don't feed or give me water very often.

Today they plan on sending my family a video of their demands. So that'll be fun, I'm prepared to be extra dickish today.

I suddenly felt a surge of electricity rush through me. I saw Irina pressing the button while one of their men held a camera. Stared and started blinking a lot

"Having a good morning little brat?" she asked with a stupid smirk on her face

"I was until I heard your voice. You know when you drag your hands across a chalkboard, that's what your voice sounds like. It's no wonder gramps got rid of you." I laughed

"I left daddy! Not the other way around!" She stomped her foot like the oversized child she is

"You need to start showing us some respect!" Elias ordered

"Choke on a hard cock, bitch!" I let out then spot in his face

He grabbed the remote and went down to my level to the point that he was in my face

"You know how I feel about disrespect so for your nephew's sake I'd fix that attitude of yours." I growled and pulled on my restraints when he brought up Wyatt

"He's so cute already 12 playing in Europe. First kill at 8 like you. He's quite the monster."

"Don't call him that!" I hate that word

"Why, it's true he killed the Spanish Mafia leader in cold blood. I don't blame him he did rape and killed his mother" (if you wanna read about this read A New Type of Mafia Love' most of the pov's are I'm Wyatt's POV after chapter 8)

"That doesn't make him a monster. He's the sweetest kid you'll meet. Not that you'll get that chance."

"I know lots of 6th graders who haven't killed. He's not the sweetest." Elias retorted

"That's not a flex. What are you doing around 6th graders pedophile?" I laughed in his face

"Keep laughing. I have his school address and the stadium he's playing at in Italy next month."

"Don't threaten my family if you want to live a long and meaningful life." not that he'd live one after kidnapping me

"What are you gonna do about it?" I smirked and head butted him hard

He fell back and started bleeding profusely. I took the opportunity and kicked myself back with enough force to break the chair. I then ran and mounted him, I found his gun and shot him quick between the eyes. I went to shoot Alek's sister but she grabbed the remote from the ground and pressed the button.

My body tensed and I shook until I passed out

I woke up on the floor with my hands and feet tied. I rolled over and sat up. There was no one in the room so I took my opportunity to roll towards a tray full of knives I knocked it over. I grabbed two knives and tucked it in my waistband

"You little bitch you killed him!" she was a crying mess. Guess she really did love him

"You're a monster like Aleksandr!" she slapped me then proceeded to stomp on me.

She also began barking orders and all the men left.

While she was distracted I cut my ropes but kept my limbs together so she would realize.

"It's just the two of us and that camera. Your family is going to watch me torture you to death."

I took the other blade from my waistband and held it waiting for the perfect opportunity

"How can you be so cold blooded? Doesn't it bother you that you just murdered him?"

"Not really it was him or me and I chose first." I shrugged nonchalantly which made her growl and lunged at me


I jabbed her in the side with my knife. She fell back and clutched her side while she cried.

"Now we're gonna have some fun." I told her as I stuffed a dirty cloth in her mouth

Her eyes widened when I locked the door. Seems like she realized what was in store for her

"Now you don't need to cry, since you'll be seeing him in hell" I sang as I slashed her inner thigh


She killed him

Favorite moment from this chapter?


Thanks for reading

Mwah 🗡

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