Chapter 29

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Adriana's POV

I'm dressed and ready to party. Alessio got yelled at earlier so he couldn't meet up with us earlier. Tyler had to deal with something mafia related so he's meeting us later.

"Dude where's the rest of your dress?"

"I don't know I wanted to look slutty." I shrugged while finishing my makeup

We're in my room at Aleksandr's house. He's sitting on my bed being judgmental while I sit in front of my vanity.

There was a knock on my door and I yelled come in

"Absolutely not!" Dad barked

"It's not that bad. I look cute."

"Adriana half the dress is chain and the slits on both sides go up to your hips. You're not leaving the house in that." He spoke sternly

"It's not the bad." I countered

"Can you even wear underwear with that?"

"Well no but-"

"Then you're not wearing it. One gust of wind or a trip will have your hoo ha displayed to the world. Change!"

"Fine!" I stomped into my closet

I put on no show underwear so it wouldn't show through the mini skirt I put on. It was a black velvet matching mini skirt and tube top with strings I crossed over

"Is this better?"

"Don't you have anything longer?" He mumbled

"Dude it's better than the last and the only thing I have to wear. My other whore dress is for my bachelorette party."

"Is Tyler gonna be there?"

"Da." I nodded

"You look pretty. Just stay safe." He caved

"Can we pregame here?" Alessio asked

"Yeah I bought you two a bottle to share."

"Of what?" We asked at the same time

"Clase Azul Reposado Tequila."

"Is it strong?" We asked


"Bet! Thanks!" We said again at the same time and hugged Aleksandr

Then we ran to the kitchen. He had the bottle and two shot glasses on the counter. There was salt and lemon wedges too.

"Dad would never let us do this. Thank you!" Alessio told him

"You're gonna do it anyways. I'd prefer you two to be safe and open rather than reckless and sneaky. Before you two start drinking I have some ground rules."

"This is gonna be a doozy let's sit." I tell my twin

We sat on the couch

"Stay together or keep track of each other. This is your first time at a club and it's easy to get separated. Never go anywhere alone. Even if it's just to bathroom tell one another and go in a pair. Don't take drinks from no one besides your bartender. Watch the bartender make your drink as well you can never be too careful. If you put it down buy another one. It takes a turn of the head for someone to spike your drink. Don't smoke from strangers. You can catch something or it can be laced. If you feel sick, dizzy, or have a gut feeling tell Tyler so he can drive you both back here. I want you two home by the time I get up. I understand this is your 21st birthday but the party ends by sunrise. Wake me up if you get home and don't feel good. I don't clean up bodily fluid so don't puke. So know your limit. Lastly, your location stays on at all times. Please be safe. I'm choosing to trust you because I believe the two of you can make good, safe choices."

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