Chapter 27

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Adriana's POV

It's been two weeks since I moved back and I'm absolutely miserable. They're so overbearing and treat me like a child. I've been grounded for my behavior the entire two weeks.

I'm fucking 20!

I've been locked in my room and my birthday is tomorrow. I'm laying with Osorin depressed that I won't be allowed to leave the house on my 21st birthday.

They're planning a small celebration in the house and said I can't go bar hop with Alessio because of my rude behavior.

Aleksandr gave me his Land Rover since my car was destroyed but Alessandro took my keys.

"Adriana can you come out of your room and have dinner with us?" Charlotte asks

"Only if you let me go out tomorrow morning." I bargain

"To do what?"

"I have to buy Tyler's wedding band. I'm going with his sisters, Riley, Alessio, and Haruhi. Afterwards I'm supposed to cake test with Tyler. Granny scheduled it ages ago and it'll be a hassle to change the appointment."

"I'm sure your father will agree if I join. We haven't spent time together in a long time." She says

"I want to spend the day with people that make me happy." I replied harshly

"That's very hurtful Adriana." She said and began to walk away

"I'll be back in the evening. I just want to spend part of my day with the people who raised me. Is that so wrong?"

"Why can't you just accept us as your family?" She countered

"I do but you and Alessandro are so fucking entitled. You act like I owe you my time and affection when I don't. He abandoned me but expects me to turn my back on the people who saved me. A relationship with me is something you have to earn. You guys don't respect me and you're so controlling. My brothers and I have a healthy sibling relationship because they learned to respect me and the circumstances surrounding my relationship with Aleksandr. Enzo was so overbearing with rules but came to realize he couldn't force me to respect him like the boys do. He was a stranger to me. He changed his approach. All of them did. I can confidently say that I love them as much as I love my Russian family. I'm here because I didn't want you guys to attack mine and my fiancé's mafia. I also wanted to protect Matteo and Haruhi's relationship. Can you seriously tell me the ultimatum I was given is fair?" I asked her

She didn't respond

"I didn't think so. Just leave me alone."

I laid back and turned my back to her

I heard her close the door and walk away

A couple hours later I heard a knock on my window and I looked up to see Tyler. I opened my window and let him in.

"What are you doing here?" I ask

"I've come to give you your birthday gift. I wasn't sure if I'd get the chance tomorrow because of how annoying your family is being."

"You didn't have to get me anything."

"Shut the fuck up and close your eyes." He said in a no nonsense tone

I giggled and covered my eyes with my hands

"Okay you can open now."

There was a jar and a briefcase

I opened the briefcase and it had a paper that read "Over 100 Reasons I love you" and it was filled with tons of envelopes

I opened the briefcase and it had a paper that read "Over 100 Reasons I love you" and it was filled with tons of envelopes

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