Chapter 24

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Adriana's POV

Sergei's harsh words made me reflect on my behavior. I have been acting really bratty towards Aleksandr and I owed him a massive apology. I wanted to make up with him before my graduation so I invited him to have lunch with me.

I'm sitting at a diner waiting for him to show up. When he finally arrives I wave him down. He sits across the booth from me and doesn't say a word.

"Hey dad."

"Hi JJ."

He called me JJ so at least I know he's not too mad at me.

"Thanks for meeting with me."


"I've been a bit of a bitch." I start off

"A bit?"

"I've been a massive bitch and I feel awful about it. You were pretty understanding and I wasn't being appreciative."

"JJ you made a mistake that you grew from on your own. I hate thinking about what you did but I'm proud of you for recognizing that you needed to fix your behavior. You went from being a B student to being top of your class. I let my anger get the best of me and I apologize for that."

"I don't deserve a dad as great as you." I frowned

"Yeah I'm pretty great aren't I." He teased and I laughed

"I love you dad."

"Love you too JJ."

"I have more news you'll wanna hear."

"You got accepted into your school's PhD program?"

"How'd you know?" I asked

"They sent the letter to Russia and I opened it like I do with all your mail."

"Stop doing that!"

"What type of parent would I be if I didn't open my daughter's mail?" He shrugged

"I'll have to move out of my current accommodation. I'm gonna use my casting couch money to get my own place." I joked

"Porn jokes aren't funny JJ." He glared

"I mean they're kinda funny if you ask me."

"Great thing I didn't ask." He flagged down the waitress

"What can I get for you?" She popped out her boobs and bit her lip

"Would would you recommend?" He asked with a flirty smirk

"Well for a big guy like you, I'd recommend a taste of me."

"I'm sure I'd get my fill with you but I'd prefer to save you for dessert."

Ew what the fuck

"He'll have the 28 day aged sirloin cooked medium and I'll have the slow-cooked pork belly. Just bring water for the table and go." I ordered harshly

She sized me up then left

"That was awfully rude of you. I've taught you to respect restaurant workers." He playfully scolded with a smirk

"And I do respect the ones who aren't trying to fuck my dad. She's like 40! Why were you flirting with her?"

"JJ I'm in my late 30's."

"Far too old for you to be whoring around." I scolded him

"Quit nagging me. I only did it to get back at you for suggesting you'd do porn."

"I think I'd make a lovely addition. Guys like tiny girls who look like minors. I can capitalize on my youthful appearance. I'm not the best actress but that doesn't matter when you're naked."

"I'm telling my dad." He took out his phone

"No! Don't! I was just joking!" I panicked

"It's not funny."

"To you."

"Let's see if your boyfriend finds it funny?"

"He'll just say something pervy to piss you off."

"Speaking of boyfriend. You're both graduating soon. Have you two started discussing marriage yet?"

His question caught me off guard

"I mean we've talked about it but I wanna wait until after I finish school completely. Tyler explained how we'd have to start doing the nasties without protection cause a kid has to be conceived within a year of the wedding for the marriage to be considered valid in the eye of the American mafia. If I have a kid while in school I'd drop out."

"I'm glad you're prioritizing your schooling. When do you plan on telling the Italians? Elijah wanted you two married by the time Tyler took over. I know he'll push for it once you finish grad school. As much as I dislike Alessandro the least you can do it have this discussion prior to your engagement."

"I was gonna go home and say I'm engaged and show off the ring."

"You're an idiot!"

"Why are you and Elijah talking about marriage anyways?" I narrowed my eyes at him

"The Americans will be our first real allies. Elijah expressed his interest in you being his daughter in law since he met you. He doesn't want Tyler with anyone else and if I'm being honest I wouldn't want you with anyone but Tyler. You're 18 now so he's been bitching at me to talk to you."

"Can I have a big wedding cake?" I asked thinking with my stomach

"You're gonna have a big wedding."

"Will I get the mafia when I marry?"

"If you're ready." He shrugged

"Ugh you're such a pain. Do you have anymore questions?"

"After you complete grad school you'll be going back to California. Where will you be staying? I personally wouldn't feel comfortable with you staying alone in an apartment because you never take care of yourself."

"I live alone now!"

"And you did coke." He deadpanned

"Once!" I defended

He responded with a bored stare

"Do you seriously think I'm gonna sit around doing drugs all day?"

"No but you'll invite your twin and get stoned. You have to pass a drug test if you want to work for my company. You'll behave recklessly and delay my retirement even more. You also don't eat so I'd prefer you live with someone."

"Can't I just stay at your house? There are cameras."

"Dima and I gave the house to Nikolai since he's a father now. After he graduates he'll be moving in with Maddie and the twins."

"That house is massive! What if I wanted it?" I complained

"When they got married we asked Milo what he wanted and he asked for the house. It's already paid for and has a very expensive security system. That was the first time I saw him as an adult so it was hard to say no. I'll gift you with a house when you get married too."

"I'll hold you to it. I'll just stay with the Lombardi's since I know they miss me. I miss my older brothers anyways."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm an adult now so I'm sure they'll be more respectful of my independence and boundaries."

"Whatever you say JJ."


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Mwah 🛋

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