Chapter 14

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Adriana's POV

There are so many fucking guests that I had to greet. They consisted of rude bitches and pervy guys.

"Happy birthday JJ." Dad told me

"Is it midnight already?"


"Thanks." I hugged him

"So this is the woman of the hour. It's nice to meet you. I'm Alejandro Perez." A Spanish guy winked at me

"Likewise, thank you for joining us in celebrating my birthday." I told him politely

"Of course. I was dying to meet Aleksandr's heir. You're very mature for 15. You look legal."

Wow he's not even trying to hide it.

"Back off." Oliver warned

"AJ you look so pretty!" Noah's little sister Jesse complimented

"Thank you! You look gorgeous in this dress." I spun her around

"Jesse run along." Perez told her

"Okay uncle!"

I sent Oliver a confused look

"Perez is my brother in law."

"You let this pervert around Jesse?" I crossed my arms

"I would never harm Jessica and I'm not a pervert. It will do you good to mind your manners little girl."

"Are you threatening me? I assure you it'll do you even better to mind how you speak to me." I growled

"You're very feisty. I'd love the opportunity to tame you. Aleksandr we should align ourselves with a more intimate agreement."

"Are you trying to fuck my dad?" I taunted

"He's not the Volkov I'm trying to sleep with." He licked his lips and that was dad's final straw

He grabbed him by his neck and reached for his gun. There was nothing but death in his eyes.

"Stop you're gonna make a mess. Let me deal with him." I told dad

He reluctantly let him go

"I'd love to let her deal with me." He grabbed his junk

"You're fucking shameless. I'm going to enjoy ruining you." I threatened

I waved down one of my guards and whispered for him to prepare a file on the Spanish. Someone should've warned him not to fuck with me.

"I'd like to see you try." He forced a laugh

"You're gonna be in worse conditions than the Italians when she's done with you." Maddox shook his head

"The Italians were lenient with her because she's their princess. I know better than to let me desire cloud my judgment."

"Isn't underestimating her just as foolish as nepotism?" Declan challenged further

"Don't spoil my fun. If he doesn't see me as a foe I'll do my best to change his mind."

"Nothing good ever comes from that stupid smirk." Oliver chuckled

"My smirk isn't stupid!"

"It's time to cut your cake circus freak." Haru tells me

"You let your help address your heiress that way?" Some woman snickered

"She's far from being the help. If you value your family's life you'll address the Russian mafia princess with the respect she deserves."

"You guys really take in anything. A Chinese mafia princess. Our family is known for philanthropy but even this is too charitable." Another woman mocked

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