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"She shoots, she scores!"

It had been two weeks of living with BTS, getting to know each and every one of them and plotting my escape...but there was fun in the middle of all of it.

I had just landed another trash ball in the basket while every guy in the room groaned at my cockiness.

"What's wrong, losers? Can't take the heat get out of the kitchen!"

"I hate her American sayings."

"Hey, Jin, I heard that!"

Jin still hadn't warmed up to me.

Jimin was still flirting with me.

And I was developing real feelings for Jungkook, wether he felt the same way or not.

Just then the door clicked shut and in strolled Jungkook...with the most gorgeous woman I'd ever seen in my entire life stuck on his arm like it had been superglued there.

His eyes were covered with those sunglasses again, and his hair was all messed up like he'd been making out with her.

Of course he had...he was a superstar, and guys like him had girls like that all the time.

I was worthless, I was a nobody...I didn't deserve do be with someone as gorgeous and popular and famous as him.

But it still hurt, nonetheless.

Memories of our kiss floated through my brain, unwanted, in that moment and all I could do was stifle a cough to try and get through the agonizing jealousy rampaging through me.

"Who's that?"

"Oh, that's Natalia, our new tour manager."


Jin just shook his head, a secret smile on his lips.

"What are you so happy about?"

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing."

Jin got weirder by the day.

And Jungkook got more irresistible.

Too bad he was irresistibly unavailable.

I sighed and threw another wad of paper into the trash can...too bad it hit Jin on the way there.

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