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"Anna? Say something, please."

"I don't have anything to say, to any of you."

Jimin was trying his best, but he was speaking to me through a locked bathroom door so there really wasn't any use in trying.

I had lost all of their trust for good, and they weren't going to earn it back.

I was going to somehow get my hands on a phone and call for help...but how was I going to do that through a locked bathroom door?

I had to earn their trust enough to let me gain access to a phone, and then I would take my plan from there. It was a good plan, solid and steady and rational.

I usually wasn't so rational...maybe getting kidnapped had made me smarter, somehow.

I unlocked the door to see all seven faces waiting anxiously for what I was to say next.

"I'm still incredibly mad at all of you...especially you," I said as I looked to Jungkook.

"But...I guess this isn't the worst thing in the world. I was basically going to be homeless until you guys came along. So...thank you."

My teeth gritted the entire time as I choked out the words, but their relieved smiles told me that they'd bought my act...for now.

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