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Once the limo stopped moving, the boys all got out as Jungkook held back and waited for me to finally shimmy out of the cramped vehicle.  For such a long limo, it wasn't all that roomy.

Jungkook leaned against the side of the limo and pulled his dark sunglasses over his eyes, so his emotions were unreadable, but when his hand grabbed mine and pulled me back with him, I wished I had my own pair of sunglasses so he couldn't see how truly and utterly nervous I was in that situation. 

"I'm really sorry about your parents," he began, and the way his lips moved when he spoke was absolutely mesmerizing. 

"T-thank you."

Emotions flashed through me then, as memories of my parents laughing and joking with me resonated deep within my mind. 

No, no!  I wanted to block all of that out and just be there and in the moment with a superstar who was actually giving me the time of day!  I didn't want to wallow in my own sadness and let my grief takeover, because if I did...If I let myself actually and truly feel, then I would be drowned in an ocean of heartache and despair. 

It was just easier to act as if they had never died, or as if I'd never had any parents at all, than to relive their death over and over again in my head. 

I knew I'd have to face it sooner rather than later, but I'd rather do that in a much different setting, one where I wasn't face to face with a member of the biggest boy band on earth. 

"What are you thinking about?"

I laughed, and then wished I hadn't because it came out sounding like a strangled whimper. 

"Nothing, just how strange it was that you all heard about what happened to me and invited me to your concert."

"We have our sources."

Okay, that was cryptic.  

He picked up my hand and brought it to his mouth and gave it a gentle kiss and then all my resolve melted within me, just like any further suspicions I might've had. 

I saved you a spot where you can see me the best on stage.  I'll be waiting for you.  This is Ted, our security guard.  He will escort you."

One last lingering stare and he was gone. 

I was certain of one thing:  I'd never forget this night for the rest of my life. 

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