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{ 𝙎𝙩𝙞𝙡𝙡 ~ 𝙉𝙞𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙝𝙤𝙧𝙖𝙣 }

𝙂𝙚𝙤𝙧𝙜𝙚𝙨 𝙥𝙤𝙫.

"Why would I- wait, George-"

Suddenly they hear heavy, thundering footsteps running up the rooftop stairs, causing them to flinch back and stare absently at the door, holding their breaths as the only sound results from the threatening rain.

George feels Reece move subtly closer beside him, standing slightly in front of him as they watch the stairs for a few seconds before a figure breaks through it, panic struck expression on his face.

He lets out an exasperated sigh of relief, hearing an identical one beside him as Reece's shoulder slouch, tension easing out of them. Blake, of course it was Blake, who did they think it would be.

"George, Reece...I- why are you still up here? We've been looking everywhere for you two! I couldn't find you I was- what are you guys doing?" His face morphed into confusion, and George felt himself frown. That is until he realised the reason for his confusion. He and Reece were standing only inches apart, faces still remaining close together from their previous...actions.

"N-nothing!" He quickly jumped away from Reece, putting a reasonable distance between them that he couldn't help but frown at. He missed the feeling of Reece's hot breath on his cheeks already, the warmth that emitted from his body as they stood, drenched in the rain. It was only then that George realised, the rain was still battering the ground they stood on, clothes now wet and dripping.

"Shit, come on g, it's raining" he felt a hand grab his forearm and he was surprisingly gently pulled forward, both of them practically running towards the exit door, as if the rain were now a major issue,
Despite the fact they failed to even notice it before.

"Yeah no shit Sherlock, why were you standing in the rain? It's been raining for like...thirty minutes! What the hell-"

"Shut up Blake" he received a cold, deeply offended expression in response and so he gave him a small smile, sowing he wasn't serious, well, he wasn't THAT serious.

"Until we get in i mean" he flashes a grin and Blake tries his hardest to keep it down but a small, tight lipped smile reaches his face as he shakes his head while they walk down the metal steps, footsteps heavy and water oozing out of their now wet shoes. But it didn't bother him, nothing could bother him right now. Nothing in the whole damn world.

They make their way down the hallway that George had previously sprinted down, now walking steadily instead.

George froze as a thought passed through his mind. The show. They had a show. George wrecked his head trying to remember what time it was scheduled for, did they miss it? It then came to his attention that he wasn't even aware of what the exact time was right now.

He gasped out loud, stopping in his tracks as he did so.

"What? What's wrong" Reece turned around quickly, unnecessary panic etched on his face and George smiled sheepishly a little as he realised how overdramatised his reaction had been.

"Uhm, what about the show? What time is it on at?" He seen Reece's eyes widen a fraction as they both turned to look at Blake, waiting for an answer. Although from Blake's face alone, they already knew.

"We had to cancel it" his tone was full of somber and George felt a pang of guilt strike him, hard and so very familiar.

"W-why? Because" His heart sinks as a realisation dawns on him. They had to cancel a show, hundreds of disappointed fans, now heartbroken that they didn't get to see them. All because he has to have a melodramatic moment, absorbing all the attention in the building, and for what? Because he had been a little overwhelmed like a coward?

𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐢𝗺 𝐲𝗼𝐮𝐫𝐬 | 𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐜𝐞  ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now