32. Hello again.

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Soon enough her dealer arrived. She gave him money and without anybody noticing, the dealer left. Nobody cared Lauren disappeared for a while. She went to the same bathroom as a year before to shoot up. The doors would close entirely that way nobody knew you were in there. It was a great place to get high.

And Lauren did get high fast. Why? Steven. Why the hell would he come here after leaving me in that place. He stopped visiting. He didn't even say he went on tour. Lauren finished her joint. Without letting me know he knows I'm out of rehab. The bastard. Lauren shot up one last time and left the bathroom. On her way out she looked in the mirror. Her eyes were red and her face white from exhaustion. Quickly she put on her sunglasses and walked out.

Most of the teachers were having lunch the other, more athletic teachers, went to the field for a game of soccer. Lauren went to look for Mick and Tom. She found Mick outside with Tom and a few others, they were watching the match. She walked up to Tom and he put an arm around her. She needed it.

They stood watching the match for a few more minutes before Lauren took the cigarette out of Tom's mouth and smoked it herself. Some teachers thought it was strange, but Tom was used to it. They were friends. Lauren sat down on the grass in the sun.

"You good?" Tom asked as he sat down beside her.


"You look a bit pale. Have you eaten?"


That was the end of their conversation. She didn't want to eat or talk.

Tom got up to look for Mick. If anybody could get through to her when she was in this mood it was him.

"She's off again Mick." Tom whispered as he found his friend talking to the headmaster. "I think you need to see her."

Mick excused himself and walked with Tom. "What do you think is going on?"

"I don't know. She won't talk, eat, nothing. It might have something to do with Steven coming back or maybe drugs."

"She said she wasn't doing drugs."

"Well, you know her. She can be sneaky as fuck."

"I know."

When Mick and Tom reached Lauren, who was still on the grass watching the match that was almost over, they sat down. Each on one side. Lauren leaned against Tom.

"Laur, what's going on?" Mick asked


"Is it Steven?" He continued


"Babe, please. This is how you relapsed the last time. You shut people out. Don't. I need you to be honest. Are you on drugs, are you worried about Steven? I won't judge you."

"Fine." Lauren said. She took of her sunglasses, which said enough.

Mick took one look at her and knew. She was high. And when she was high there was not much to do. Just make sure nobody else saw and she stayed out of trouble. That is why they took her back to the courtyard, where the food was. Food helped to work against the effects of the drugs. Tom got a plate and gave it to Lauren and sat with her until she ate it all, which was a struggle on its own.

After half an hour Mick returned. Lauren didn't notice he had gone. When Mick returned, he was with two other men. Tom knew where his friend had been. The three man approached Lauren and Tom. Tom stood up and greeted them. Lauren sat there, frozen.

"Hello, Doll." Steven said.

Lauren said nothing. She felt her heart race and tears behind her eyes. She messed up and now, why now, does Steven show up.

"Hey Babe." Joe said and he touched her shoulder.

Lauren felt her anxiety take over. She had to get out of there as fast as she could. She stood up and ran. Before the boys could catch her she was at the square in front of the school, near the game area where most of the teachers were.

"Lauren! Stop!" Mick yelled. "Come on. Don't run."

"Darling, I just want to say hi." Steven said, but he didn't run, neither did Joe.

"Why now. Why the fuck have you returned, after weeks of not hearing anything." Lauren screamed.

"I wanted to call. I just could not get a hold of you." Steven calmly answered.

The situation was too much for Lauren and she collapsed on the floor. She couldn't catch her breath, her legs were trembling and her knees had given out.

Familiar with the situation Mick and Tom got down next to her. She wouldn't listen to their words. Fuck, I need air. She pushed Mick and Tom away. "Leave me alone."

"Baby, calm down and breathe!"

"Get away from me." Lauren screamed. She was frantic. Her eyes didn't stop moving and when she got up, she was unsteady on her feet.

By now the other teachers looked in their direction. Though they did try to hide their curiosity, badly.

Steven and Joe had arrived too and knowing better, Joe walked around the group, so that if Lauren would run, he would catch her. Steven on the other hand walked straight towards her.

"Baby, come on. What's going on? Why are you this upset?"

"Please, don't. Go away." Lauren said fighting back tears and fighting to breathe.

"Calm down honey, take a deep breath. Just like me."

"No, no, no. I need to go."

Lauren tried to run but bumped into Joe. He just held her arm, firm so she wouldn't leave. She didn't put up a struggle. Joe please, I need to go. I can't breathe here. Please, let me go. She begged him in a tiny voice. He saw in her eyes she wanted him to let her go. It broke his heart, even after all the nasty tricks she pulled on him. "I can't baby. I know you know that."

If they didn't work fast, Lauren would pass out on the floor. Her knees went weak and Lauren was on the floor again. Joe sat down behind her, holding her tight. Steven sat down before her, just like he did when she broke down at Mick's house.

"Baby, come on, take a few breaths. Then the pain will go away. I promise."

After a few minutes Lauren's and Steven's breaths were in sync.

"You okay again?" Steven said. He knew Lauren had used, he saw it in her eyes and she only had this reaction when she was caught using.

Lauren nodded .

Steven wrapped her in a protective hug. He was not letting her go ever again. He needed to get her out of this town, this place and this environment. He was not leaving her behind again, she would go on tour.

"Welcome back again baby." He said as he picked her up.

He carried her inside and laid her down on the couch. She looked exhausted. Steven sat down next to her. She pushed herself against him. He was safe, nobody could hurt her. Why was I scared to see him again? I love him and I was afraid of disappointing him. That's why.

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