31. Coming Back

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At school she received a warm welcome. It made her feel good to know she was missed. She was given her job back and she went to work. At night she went out with a few of her colleagues. In the city a new club opened that night and somehow they got in for free.

Drinks were half price that night and everybody danced. Nobody wanted to go home when the club closed at 3 in the morning. Roaming the streets the group laughed, vandalized and danced. When they past a small store that sold liquor and was open.  The most sober of the group went in, bought a few bottles and walked out. Even though Lauren wasn't supposed to drink, she did. The relapse reflected the rest of her school career. "Hey, Lauren!" one teacher said. "Have some Jack." Lauren took the bottle. She half emptied it.

The group ended at a McDonalds, eating fries and ice cream. Half the group started to get tired so they went home. The rest stayed for more burgers before going home at sunrise. Somewhere between eating fries and ice cream Lauren went to the bathroom and threw up and returned worse for wear.

There isn't any lasting damage, maybe some emotional harm. She'll be fine when she works through this. So the pregnancy is terminated? Yes, I don't know how you can accept this, it was your child. The suicide attempt is a clear sign she doesn't want the child, I respect that. Anyway, we are going to keep her here for the night, then we'll send her home.

The next day Lauren woke up in her own bed, still fully clothed. Not knowing how she got home, Lauren got up. She rolled out of bed, unable to walk because of her hangover. Lauren woke up with a hangover that would make any normal person stop drinking.  In an atempt to feel better She started her day with some alcohol. Just as she put away the bottle, the door bell rang.

"Good morning." The voice was sharp in Laurens ears. "You look a bit disheveled"

"Bad dream."

"Shall I make you some coffee?"

"Please." Lauren walked to her bedroom changed her clothes and brushed her hair.

She wore a short black dress, flat boots, a jacket and one of Steven's scarves. She finished the look with sunglasses.

Lauren and Mick, who had picked her up, drove to the school. She was sitting next to him, sipping coffee, nursing the hangover. Mick turned on the radio, soft, not to bother Lauren. As in January an Aerosmith song came on. After the silence the radio presenter said that the band would be back that weekend to perform two concerts and he had Steven on the phone for a short interview.

"Steven, thank you so much for being here on the phone."

"Sure, no problem."

"Well, as I've told our listeners you'll come back home with the band. Next to your concerts, what would you like to do when you're here?"

"Well, after these shows we'll have a week before we go to Europe on tour. I would love to spent that time with my family and friends. One of my friends just got out of rehab so I think I'll visit her if she's up for that."

"That sounds nice. "

"Yeah, well I care about her, and I got her back in treatment. I think it's the nice thing to do to keep in touch."

"Rocker, former addict and a caregiver."

"You can say that."

"Well, tell me more about the tour."

"We've been all over America, Mexico and Canada for the last six months. This weekend we are playing the last two shows of this leg and they are sold out. Next up it's Europe and Asia and maybe even Australia."

"Sounds amazing, thank you Steven Tyler!"

Mick had parked the car but left the engine running so that Lauren could hear the interview. She sat in silence. "You okay?"

"He might visit?"

"I guess."



"I just never thought I would see him after I escaped rehab. He said I got out. I didn't. I ran."

"You ran because it wasn't working. You're fine now, aren't you."

"I guess. I'll get there."

"Wanna go in?"

Together they walked in and took a seat in the conference area. The headmaster was about to do a speech about the new year. After that there was a lunch and a start of the year game afternoon. Lauren couldn't be bothered about the speech and whispered to Mick she didn't feel well and needed air. She went outside, walked to the small wall and tried to catch her breath. When she could breathe again she lit a cigarette and was soon joined by the headmaster.

"Hi Lauren. Welcome back."

"Hi James."

"Are you okay? You ran out of there."

"I'm just a bit overwhelmed. I just got out of treatment, back to where it all started and the one man I thought never to see again, might come and visit."

"That's a lot to take in. You sure you up for the job?"

"Well, it's only part time, right?"


"I'll manage."

James was called back in. He put out his cigarette and walked back. Mick and Tom had come out as had a few other teachers in need of a smoke.

"Baby, welcome back!" Tom said as he gave her a hug.

"Thanks doll. Haven't seen you in a while."

"The wife didn't want me to see you. You're a bad influence."

"That seems to be a theme with the women of the men in my life. Anyway, I'm cleaning up my act."

"I heard you did. With Steven Tyler no less."

"No, not with Steven. Paid for by Steven."

"Well. I heard he was in town this weekend."

"Tom, I love you but I don't want to talk about him."

"Well, let's have lunch then!"

Tom walked away. "You good?" Mick asked. He was worried. Lauren looked pale and hadn't eaten anything. She only had two cigarettes, coffee and did not take of her sunglasses. He knew something was up, and it had to do with leaving rehab and maybe Steven.

"You're not using again, are you?"

"No. I'm not." Lauren lied.

"Good. Join me for a bite?"

"In a minute." Lauren said. And as Mick walked away, Lauren made a quick call to her dealer. "Get me a couple of joints and some coke. I'm at work."

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