25. Back to square one... I need Steven

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"Good morning everybody and welcome Lauren, who is new in our group." The doctor said.

"Lauren just arrived here yesterday. "Lauren, if you want to share your story, please don't hesitate."

Lauren just looked straight forward. She really wasn't feeling well. She was gagged when Steven and Mick had brought her here, she kept falling in and out of consciousness. On the plane she had been drinking. Steven and Mick had let her, because she would threw a fit if she wasn't allowed to. In the car from the airport to the facility she had taken a couple of hits when Steven and Mick weren't looking. Which was difficult, because she was rarely left alone. Her first night, which was last night, Lauren hadn't slept and she really didn't want to be here. She wanted to be home.

How the hell did this happen? What will the students think? What will my colleagues think? I lost my job. Never mind the fact that it's the second time in six months. Luckily the summer holidays are about to start and I can leave that dreadful town forever, start over. I have to, I may die if I don't.

Lauren kept thinking while the counselor was talking about something. I hate rehab. It's for fucking losers. I'm not a loser. God I've got to get out of here. I need something to take the edge off. I need a drink. I need Steven. Before she knew it Lauren stood up and walked out of the room, not hearing the objections from the counselor. Her feet took her outside where she tried to lit a cigarette. Which she couldn't because she was shaking so much.

"Here, let me help." A man said.

"Thanks." Lauren replied, taking the burning cigarette from him when he lit it.

"It's good to see you in here." The man said.

"What?" Lauren wasn't paying attention to the man.

"I said, it's good to see you in rehab." The man repeated.

Lauren didn't say anything.

"You don't remember me, do you?" The man said.

"Should I?"

"Well, we met at a school function. I'm Richard, Sydney's father."

"Sydney, the girl with divorced parents, straight A student?"

"Yeah. That's me."

Lauren and Richard stood smoking in silent for a while. Then Richard talked about him being in Rehab and how it's helping him to get his life back together after the divorce. When Lauren didn't respond he started talking about her. "Well, I've seen you around, we have the same dealer. I hoped you would find treatment. Life is better without drugs.'"

"I'm sorry but you don't know a fucking thing about my life." Lauren said.

"I know nothing is as bad, that taking drugs won't make it worse." Richard said.

"Fuck off with that AA crap." Lauren said and she walked back to her room.

In her room she started thinking. The fall out of her drug use and drinking was too much for her to handle. The fact that Steven found her passed out in his dressing room had sent her over the edge. She had tried to kill herself by taking an overdose the night of the concert. She had ruined a good party. She didn't want to talk about it because it made her feel worse than she already did. She wanted to talk to one person only, Steven. Where the hell is Steven?

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