18. Too Late? (needs editing)

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Please, don't! No, I don't want to. Lauren screamed. What are you doing, I don't want that.

You'll feel much more relaxed if you take this. The man said.

No, no, please. Lauren started sobbing until she passed out.

"Lauren! Lauren! Wake up!" Mick shouted.

Lauren woke up, completely out of breath and sweating.

"You okay?" Mick asked.

"What? I don't know. What happened?" Lauren said as tears filled her eyes.

"Your dreaming again." Mick said, as he handed her a glass of water to calm down.

Lauren drank the whole glass. She looked at Mick, as if she didn't understood him.

"Remember when you came out of the hospital after your suicide attempt? And you had those bad dreams? You had one tonight." Mick said, looking in Laurens eyes to make sure she was alright.

Once Lauren calmed down, Mick took her downstairs. In the kitchen people where already eating breakfast or just enjoying their morning coffee and cigarette. When Lauren and Mick walked in the voices died down.

"Good morning." Mick said to no one in particular.

"Morning." They all chimed back.

"Lauren, you sit here honey, I'll make you some tea."

Lauren sat down, looking at the others.

"Morning, darling." Steven said. "You sleep okay?"

Lauren shrugged.

"Bad dream." Mick told.

Steven immediately rushed over, but Mick stopped him. "Just wait a bit, let me get her back here." Steven nodded and walked away.

After Lauren drank her tea she went back upstairs. Feeling tired she fell on the bed and slept through the day. Around five that afternoon she woke up. Feeling the hangover from the previous night and that morning, she took a hit of coke. Lauren felt dirty, so she took a shower.

The long, warm shower made her feel better, but not good enough to go downstairs and join the others. She took another hit of coke and passed out.

It was almost time for dinner when Mick decided to go upstairs and check on Lauren. As he went upstairs he ran into Steven and Brad

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah, we were just talking about Steven maintaining his sobriety." Brad said. He himself had never used, but he did take antidepressants and was addicted to his own pain. It made him tick, it made him the artist he had become over the years.

"Where are you going?" Steven asked Mick.

"Waking up Lauren." He said.

"We'll join you." Brad said. She might be a little bit of a handful.


The three men walked over to Lauren's room. As they entered they saw Lauren laying on the bed, wrapped in a towel. This was a familiar situation for Steven, but even more for Mick.

"Shit." Mick said as he saw her.

"What's up?" Steven and Brad said at the same time.

"This is not good. " Mick simply said.

Mick walked over to the bed and sat down. He tried to wake his friend, she didn't respond. He felt her heartbeat, it was still there but weak. "Shit, Shit, Shit." He said again.

"What's going on?" Brad asked, a bit more stern.

"We need an ambulance." Mick said.

"O.D?" Steven asked, as he sat down on the bed next to Lauren.

"I think so."Mick said as Brad got on the phone with the paramedics.

"Who will sent an ambulance in this weather?"

"They can send a helicopter." Mick said, pointing to the roof.

"They'll be here in five minutes." Bruce said as he returned.

"Thanks, Bruce." Mick said.

"What can we do?" Steven asked.

"Wait upstairs for the paramedics?"

"Sure." And Bruce and Steven left.

For the next five minute Mick monitored Laurens heartbeat and held her hand. She was slipping. Luckily the paramedics arrived and gave her some shots and other things to save her.

"She needs to be transferred to the hospital." One of the paramedics said.

"She needs her blood filtered. There is so much drugs in her system."

The paramedics wheeled Lauren of to the helicopter on a gurney. Mick couldn't go with her because he had to take care of his guests, and since he couldn't find Steven, he sent Bruce and Vivian with her. Bruce and Vivian had done this before, but for a friend of theirs so they knew what was going to happen, wasn't going to be pretty.

After a short helicopter ride, they arrived at the hospital. Lauren was taken to a private room where a machine was prepared to clean her blood and a couple of doctors to asses her situation. After a couple of hours Steven, Joe and Mick arrived at the hospital. They where aloud to go in the room where Lauren was hooked to various machines and started to wake up.

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