4. You can only get so high

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While Mick was waiting outside, Lauren tried to get herself together. Shit where is it, she said to herself. I know it's in my bag. Thank God, she said as she pulled out a needle and a vile with something liquid in it. She filled up the needle and put it in her arm. As the fluid entered her veins Lauren relaxed. She did this twice. Then she pulled out a bottle with white powder out of her bag. She opened the little bottle and sniffed some of the powder. After five minutes Lauren came out of the bathroom.

"You okay?" Mick asked.

"Yeah, I'm better. Where is Tom? I haven't seen him in a while."

"Don't know. He said he was going to get you something to make you feel better. He's been away for a while now."

"Hope he gets back soon." Lauren said.

They entered the party venue. Everybody was dancing, eating, laughing. Some students left the room to smoke outside. Lauren got a call from Tom and went outside to take it.

"I'll be right back." She said to Mick and showed him her cell phone.

When she was outside she picked up. "Hey, where are you?"

"I'm just on my way back to the school. How's the party?"

"Still going strong. You want me to wait outside?"

"Please, I'll be there in not more than ten minutes."


As Lauren was waiting for Tom to come back she texted Mick to say that she was waiting for Tom outside and she'll be back inside in 15 minutes. Tom arrived exactly after ten minutes.

"I've got a surprise for you." He said as he greeted her.

"Really? What is it?"

"Come here." Tom said and walked into the teachers' lounge.

"What is it?" Lauren said

"Look." Tom said as he pulled a bag of pills outside his pocket.


"It's Ritalin and Xanax. Nothing weird. Just something to help you through today. I got them at the doctors and from my dealer."

"Tom! That's so nice, but can't do that, can I!" Lauren said. She could almost taste the pills.

"Sure, this one time is no problem. I'll do it with you."

"No, I can't. They'll know."

"Let's do it. I've got your back."

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