When they just entered the academy, his two housemates did tell Jimin to stay away from Jin but still Jimin didn't. He stands on his own. It must be his words that hurt Jimin for him to change. He waits for the answer but Jimin didn't give him the answer. He didn't even look at him in the eye.

Jimin. Jimin feels too awful. He feels guilty. Jin never hurts him, not with words and not even with his behaviour. He never expect Jin to think that way because Jimin is sure Jin knows that he is a person with manners.

He never hurts anyone in any way except for certain circumstances. He couldn't look at Jin in the eyes not because he didn't want to but because he feels guilty.

A sigh was heard from Jin.

"I'm going to wash my hand"

Was the words Jin says before he left Jimin alone. By that words, Jimin knows that Jin will be at the lake. They need space. The funny thing is, they are not even lovers or anything but it seems like they are. Maybe they are just too immature in handling the situation or maybe they didn't know of how to handle the situation so that both sides are not hurting.

About thirty minutes since Jin left to the lake, Jimin decided to confront the elder. He didn't want Jin to blame himself when in fact he is not wrong in any way at all. It was him and his best friends who are at fault.

All Jin did was trying to be friends with them, they did actually become friends but a sudden change of mind put their relationship in awkward situation.

Jimin walks further to the lake in which he saw Jin sitting. He seems to not notice Jimin is there. Jimin could see the blue glow on Jin's hand that he sets to his other hand.

It turned out the bruises become bluish black fast that Jin is using his ice on the bruises, at least that could help. Slowly and quietly Jimin walks closer before finally sitting besides Jin.

"You did nothing wrong, I'm sorry" Jimin says and by that finally Jin realise that Jimin is there with him.

But still, Jin didn't meet eyes with Jimin. Probably too occupied with his ice and right at that moment, Jimin grabs his hand gently.

"Let me help" Jimin adds, he didn't even wait for Jin's answer, instead he just use his ability without the words from the elder.

"It's alright, no need for that" Jin replies when he sees the soft purple glow is forming in Jimin's hand.

"I'm your healer" Jimin states, setting his hand on the bruises, seeping through the purple glow.

So Jimin knows that he is his healer? Why he is staying away from him when he knows that he is his healer? Is Jimin denying that he is his healer? Did he didn't want to be his healer?

"You're thinking so much. It's complicated but I want you to know that you never did anything wrong to me and to them" Jimin says.


The voice. Jin turns his head so fast upon hearing the voice. It was not the voice that the wind brought together, it's the same voice from him.

"Do you hear that?" Jin asks Jimin, trying to prove something.

Jimin looks at Jin portraying his clueless face in which take it as no, he didn't hear that voice. It was then that Jin notices a flashing green eyes above, on the tree. Quickly he stands on his legs with Jimin doing the same.

Jin stands in front of Jimin.

"Stay right behind me, we are being watched. Above, on the tree" Jin says in his calm voice.

The flashing green eyes look straight at Jin in the eyes for a few seconds before deciding to make his appearance be known to the two elementals.

It is Minhyuk. Oddly enough Jin didn't feel scared or anything maybe because he knows that he is the real Minhyuk.

"I want to talk to you" Minhyuk says, the green eyes is no longer there.

Jimin noticing the situation and how Jin is at ease, he decided to stand next to Jin instead of behind the latter.

"I saw you with him. Him as if it was me" Minhyuk states.

Jin looks calm.

"That man was not me. I never attacked anyone, not when I have no reason" Minhyuk adds.

"I know. You didn't have that white glow that he has" Jin replies.

"Light elemental." Minhyuk states.

"No he is not. He is something else, I'm confident" Jin explains.

"Did anyone knows about this? Did you tell the headmaster?" Minhyuk asks.

"My parents know, some of the educators know and my teammates know. The headmaster didn't know yet. I planned of not telling him" Jin replies.

"You know about the book?" Minhyuk asks.

Of course Minhyuk knows, his father is the elder elemental who works with the other elementals trying to search for the answer of the book.

"Last night" Jin replies.

"You should be careful. It is already out of the academy. They will be targeting you for the answer" Minhyuk states, much to Jin's concern, Minhyuk looks like he genuinely concern about him too.

"I don't have the answer" Jin replies.

"I know, no one knows the answer. You should get out from this forest as soon as you can. I will be giving hands" Minhyuk says.

Jin frowns. Not only Jin but Jimin too who seems too clueless in this conversation.

"Why are you doing this?" Jin asks, wanted the explanation.

"It's feels weird when I'm the only one who remembers this. You and me in that place, locked up. You get taken away from us and since that we never met again until you get into this academy" Minhyuk explains.

"What are you talking about?" Jin asks, still can't understand Minhyuk's words.

"The authorities, that place, the room. The bed, the wires, the liquids" Minhyuk states.

It was then a flash in his head brought back the memories a little by little. They have met before. Locked up in a room.

"I thought you're gon-" Jin says.

"I thought you were dead Kim Seokjin. You were lifeless the last time I saw you before you got taken away" Minhyuk replies.

Jin never feels this sort of ease. He runs to Minhyuk, embracing him.

"It is nice to meet you again, friend" Minhyuk smiles.

Jin break the hug and smile back at Minhyuk.

"I will keep going for now. When I get anything I'll be meeting you again" Minhyuk says.

Honestly Jin feels sad when Minhyuk tells him that they need to part ways to finish this evaluation when there are so much things to catch up. He wanted to ask Minhyuk of how he got out from that place.

He wanted to ask what had happened the day the were separated. He wanted to ask about what happened to their other friends but for now they need to get out from the forest first.

Knowing their priorities, they greeted goodbye. They can catch up later.

"What are you two were talking about? What book? What room?" Jimin asks.

"Later Jimin, we need to get out of here first. There are eyes on us" Jin replies in his soft voice making sure Jimin hear his words well.

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