22 - The Night Before

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"Your name never stops being listed"


However on the night before the evaluation start, MinAh and In Yoo came to Jin's dorm, standing right in front of the door pacing back and forth waiting for someone.

Apparently no one is at the dorm, Yoongi and Jungkook probably with their best friends figuring out of what to do and how to do with the evaluation for tomorrow.

Jin? He went to Junghwan for some chilling time before facing the disaster of that evaluation for tomorrow morning. It were Yoongi and Jungkook who arrived first at the dorm noticing the two guests in front of their dorm. Honestly they didn't like it when the people related to Jin are standing in front of their dorm.

In Yoo is the one who noticed the two before he mutters his words.

"You're back, is Jin in the dorm? We have been ringing the bell for awhile" the educator says with calmness in his voice.

How the hell are they supposed to know about Jin? They left the dorm before Jin went out (if he went out). Using his hearing ability, Yoongi is sure Jin is not at the dorm, there's no movement there in the dorm nor in the latter's room.

"He went out, probably with Junghwan. Why?" Yoongi replies.

Looking at MinAh, they could notice the worries in her for Jin. Is something happening or she is just worried in general about that man?

Covering their fake ass self, they invited the two educators into the dorm as they wait for the said man, Jin. Jungkook come back from the kitchen with some hot drinks for the educators in which they thanked him.

Waiting, ten minutes passed MinAh couldn't sit as the uneasy feeling catching up with her.

It was twenty minutes later than Jin finally appeared at the dorm, looking surprised as the two educators are there with both Yoongi and Jungkook.

"What is happening here?" Jin looks so confused standing at the corner of the living room.

Could it be that? No, Jin didn't want to even imagine that but somehow his mouth asked for that.

"I-is something happened with mother?" Jin stutters while eyeing the two educators.

Receiving no answer, Jin continue asking for more.

"Hyung? Father? Is-" Jin adds.

"Come here, we need to talk right now" In Yoo says, stern in his voice sending shivers to his bone and probably to Yoongi and Jungkook too?

So Jin walks closer to them, they asked him or rather everyone to have a sit whether on the couch or on the rug, whatever. However MinAh and In Yoo are standing looking straight at them.

"There is no way for us to stop the evaluation for tomorrow. Nothing can be change for tomorrow and that's what makes me uneasy" MinAh starts the conversation.

Frowns appear on the three students. They didn't understand what she is talking about.

"The evaluation is a tradition in this academy, the date has been set up years ago. I want you to know that every setting will be different, you just need to find what they want and come back fast" In Yoo states.

"What are you talking about?" Jin asks, confused in his voice.

"Y-you just need" a sigh left MinAh's mouth.

"You just need to finish the evaluation and come back as fast as you can to us, don't turn back looking for anyone" MinAh says again.

The three looks more confused than they already are.

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