jisung ➶ his first and last

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genre: fluff, slightly angsty, younger jisung au, etc.
pairings: jisung x older!reader
warning(s): none ? this'll probably be rather short!

Requested by -QUXXEN- <3

i'm so sorry this took so long, i was quite busy and i almost forgot about this :( anyways i hope you enjoy! <3


Saying that Jisung simply liked you was an understatement.

Jisung knew from the first time he had met you, he immediately adored amd admired you; despite the fact that you were 3 years older than him. Jisung didn't mind, in fact he looked up to you a lot. The other trainees would tease him about his small 'crush' on you, and Jisung would always deny it, simply stating that what he was feeling towards you was simple admiration.

It took a few months for Jisung to realize that he had developed a crush for you.

When he found out, he would act extremely awkward around you; fidgeting and stuttering ever so often. The smallest contact with you would make him go crazy! The poor young boy could only just admire you as you talked and trained with the other trainees in SM. Sure, you'd go and talk to him once in a while, but Jisung couldn't even hold a conversation with more than 3 words.

He may be confused and awkward, but he was extremely sure about why he liked you. Not only are you talented, sweet and nice. You're beautiful in his eyes. You were like an angel that god had descended to take care of him. The first time he met you was when he had first walked inside SM; he was lost and extremely confused, not only that he had no one to go to, he knew no one in the agency. Coincidentally, you were there, hoping to help the poor boy out.

You did. You helped him get along with the other trainees, not to mention you were also his first friend there, you trained with him and helped him, you were there for him when he needed you. The sense of admiration for you soon turned into a crush when he saw how loving and caring you are.

Park Jisung was absolutely smitten.

You were friendly and you were practically almost every boy's crush. When NCT 127 had first debuted, you were there to congratulate them and from then, the members knew you were going to be an amazing friend. You were practically close to almost every NCT member, and Jisung couldn't help but feel jealous when he saw you spend time with them instead of him.

You have no idea how estatic he was when he found out he was going to debut in a NCT sub-unit. Unfortunately, you had already debuted before Jisung could've debut.

Jisung knew you would be busy with your group, so he had no idea how he was suppose to spend time with you. The meer thought of not spending time with you made his heart ache. But, he couldn't be happier when he heard the news you were debuting. As much as he wanted to spend time with you, he knew how much debuting means for you; so as the supportive boy he is, he smiled at the news and immediately congratulated you.

The only thing that had hurted his feelings was the way you would look at him; it wasn't bad, nor was it filled with hate. It was simply a look filled with love and affection...love and affection for a sibling. To him, your eyes were filled with the love for a younger sibling whenever you gazed at him.

Park Jisung was simply a younger brother to you, and he hated that.


As soon as he was going to debut, the first person he wanted to go to was you. Out of everyone he knew, out of everyone he bonded with, the only person he wanted to see with a proud smile was you. So when he finally saw you in the middle of dance practice with your other members, he immediately ran over and hugged you close; despite the fact that he had grown taller, he was still shorter than you. He held you close, like a koala with it's mother.

#𝗡𝗘𝗢: nct imagines.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz