taeyong ➶ lazy mornings

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genre: fluff, slight lime (?)
pairing(s): lee taeyong x reader
warning(s): slight mentions / hints of mature content!

[♡] edited.


The rays of the sun slowly creeped into the room, you opened your eyes and looked around; slightly squinting once the sun reaches your eyes. Yawning lightly, you felt shifting beside you. Looking to your side, you saw Taeyong, laying down beside you, his eyes closed and mouth slightly parted, still asleep and you couldn't help but smile at the sight of your adorable boyfriend.

You couldn't resist the urge to kiss his cheeks and that's exactly what you did. His eyes fluttered open lightly, softly groaning but when his eyes met with yours, a soft and gentle smile was plastered on his face. He raised his hand and gently tucked a strand of loose hair behind your ear, humming softly and caressing your cheek.

"Morning, baby." He spoke, his voice slightly husky from just waking up. You giggled lightly, "Morning to you too, dummy." His arms wrapped themselves around your waist, and he pulled you closer, snuggling his face to the crook of your neck. Planting soft butterfly kisses, he smiled softly when he saw you smiling gently at the feeling of his lips againts your skin through his peripheral vision. Taking a bit of a risk, he gently nibbled on your bare skin; giving it light bites and soft kitten licks.

"Taeyong!" You gasped, squirming away from him. He simply grinned in response, laughing softly as he tried keeping you in place. He kissed the spot where he bit you, and sucked on it lightly. You sighed, knowing that it's going to be slightly hard covering that and all the other marks he had made last night.

You looked to your side, looking at the time and realizing that you were going to be late for work. You wanted to get up but Taeyong groaned and pouted when he began to see your attempt or leaving him and pulled you closer, his bare chest againts you bare back.

"Taeyong." you whined.

"Y/n." he mocked, smirking lightly.

"Seriously, Taeyong. I need to go, you don't want me to be late for work, don't you?" You urged, moving your hand to pat his head lovingly; Taeyong only huffed in response and hugged you tighter.

"Taeyong." You said, firmly. He sighed in response, knowing that there was no stopping your beautiful yet stubborn mind.

"Baby, we never get to do this often. I'm always busy with work and you have work to do too. We never do anything cute anymore," he pouted and you couldn't help but laugh lightly at the sight of his adorable face, "Besides, whenever we do spend time with each other, we'll probably just fuck or something, just like last night." He mumbled softly; hiding his face against your neck in hopes you didn't hear him. But you could still hear him clearly, blushing at the thought and the memory of the way you two spent the night.

You sighed and maneuvered your way out of Taeyong's grasp, earning a little whine from the said male as he struggled to get ahold of you. Once you gotten free from his hold, he sat up straight and pouted at you.

"Y/n, come back!" He whined, looking at you with those adorable puppy eyes. It was honestly adorable, but you couldn't admit defeat.

#𝗡𝗘𝗢: nct imagines.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora