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I wrote this when i was like 13. That should be a warning itself

The blaring of the phone rang through the full classroom, silencing the students.

The middle aged teacher reached for the phone quickly, picking it up.

Everyone waited in anticipation of why the phone may be ringing. The classroom phones were rarely used.

I sat in the back of the classroom, watching my fellow peers perk up at the sound of the phone.

I didn't necessarily care. It's a phone, they ring.

I sat bored with my head rested on my hand.

The teacher then put the phone back on the dock. He looks at me before speaking.

"Raven you are needed in the principles office." The man known as my teacher says.

Everyone watched as I stood, grabbing my black bag that sat on the floor.

I ignored everyone as I smirked. I walked out of the classroom with a quick flick of my middle finger.

"See you later fuckers" I called out, slamming the door behind me.

I tracked my long legs to the front office. Opening the door I saw the secretary sitting behind the desk. She was an older woman with glasses and grey hair up in a clip.

"What's up Barbra." I leaned on the desk.

With a sigh, Barbra points to the door i've seen all too much. "Go ahead"

I stood up to my full height and walked to the door. Not bothering to knock, I walked in.

I sat in the chair across from the big wooden desk.

"Raven, do you know why you are here?" The bald man in front of me asked.

"Let me think John. Do I know?" I wrap a piece of my long brown hair around my finger.

He sighs at the use of his first name.

"Raven you have caused too much trouble. Soon the police will have to get involved."

"But John what do you think i've done this time?" I asked innocently.

"You vandalized several students lockers." He massaged his temple as if a headache was coming on.

"Ok let's get to the point. I'm sorry and blah blah blah. Now I have detention right?" I kicked my feet into his desk.

"Yes, for the next three days. You have it today for two hours." He says dismissively.

"You got it dude." I saluted before walking out of the office.

warning: this scene involves violence.
I sat in detention bored out of my mind. I had my rock music blaring through my earbuds.

I had to get home soon to make dinner. My mother wasn't the best of moms.

I had 10 minutes left of detention. I then had to walk home which was a 30 minute walk. I would have to run.

As soon as the teacher dismissed us, I ran. Through the school, down the halls, and out the door.

I ran through my neighborhood, looking at the time on my phone. I was late. My mom was going to kill me.

I walked up the old messed up stairs leading to the front door. Our house was in bad condition, falling apart.

I opened the old creaky door before stepping in and closing it behind me.

I didn't get the chance to turn around as I felt a strong tug on my hair.

"Where were you bitch?" She seethed. It was the witch herself.

"I had to stay after school" I explained quietly while I winced at the tugging in my scalp.

"That's shit" she yells as she throws me on the ground by my hair.

I cried out in pain as I felt the hard dirty floor meet my body, sending a sharp pain.

"You were late." She kicks me in the ribs, knocking the air out of my body.

"You know the rules" She kicks me again, adding a punch to my face.

"I'm so-rry" I cried out. Tears now streamed down my face as she continued her assault.

She had finally stopped when she got tired.

I laid on the floor bleeding and in pain. I couldn't move. She passed out on the couch asleep as if she didn't just beat her child up. She was always gone before I went to school in the morning and would return around 5pm every night. What she did during the day, I would never know.

I was finally able to pick up my body and limp into my room. It wasn't really a room. It was a small closet with a messed up mattress, but it was safe.

I laid in my bed and felt myself drifting asleep as my body was in pain. My mind became numb to the pain a long time ago. She calls me names like "Slut, whore, worthless, piece of shit, failure" with many more.

She wasn't always this bad. When I was younger she used to be nicer but as I got older she started drinking more. The more she drank the crazier she got.

Now i'm 16 and i'm taller then her. I could probably fight back but i'm weakened with the beatings.

What I didn't know is that tonight was the last night I would ever see her.

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