Riding in the Rain

Start from the beginning

After watching the rest of the adults make their escape, the two best friends both sighed tiredly.

Bucky ran a hand through his hair as he and Steve exchanged glances. Readying himself for the task at hand, he turned to check on Alex, who was already trying to clamber onto the seat of her bike.
"Careful, kiddo!" He exclaimed cautiously as he gently lifted the little girl off the bike, which was wobbling precariously beneath her unsteadiness. "You can't ride on your own just yet." He explained, before frowning, glancing at the wheels of the bike. "Aren't there any stabilisers on this thing?" He asked aloud.

Steve shrugged worriedly; no stabilisers made everything that bit harder.

Alex pouted.
"But when are we gonna start?" She asked impatiently tugging on Bucky's sleeve and looking up at him with big, hopeful eyes.

Bucky smiled down at the little girl.
"Okay, okay. Let's start then." He complied; one thing Natasha was right about: he couldn't bear to disappoint those cute, little eyes.

The two adults quickly grabbed their raincoats and shoes, with Alex excitedly bounding at their side.

"Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" She cheered as she grasped both of their hands, unsuccessfully trying to drag them out the door.

Steve chuckled lightly.

"Ah, ah, ah. Where d'you think you're going, missy?" Bucky asked with a smile on his face as he gently pulled Alex away from the door.

The little girl looked up at them, clearly itching to go outside.
"What?" She asked, furrowing her little brow.

Bucky raised an eyebrow already fully aware of Alex's little tricks. He held up a little yellow coat.
"No coat?" He asked, smirking.

Alex grumbled inaudible words as Bucky knelt down and held the coat up for her as she slid her arms into the sleeves.
"Can we go now?" She requested desperately, her feet shuffling impatiently on the floor.

"Not until you put your wellies on, we can't." Steve chuckled, placing matching rain boots beside Alex's feet.

Alex pouted; she really hated wearing boots.
"I can't wear those... I can't get them on." She protested.

Bucky smiled in amusement.
"Here, I'll help you then. Lift your foot up."

Alex complied begrudgingly as Bucky pushed the boot onto her left foot.
"They're itchy." She tried to protest again.

Bucky raised an eyebrow at her, trying not to laugh.
"They can't be itchy, you're wearing socks. Why, d'you wanna go change your socks?" He offered, accidentally chuckling slightly as he watched Alex's eyes widen.

The little girl shook her head vigorously.
"No! I want to go outside!" She exclaimed as her right boot was finally on.

"Okay, okay, we're ready now. Let's go." Bucky finally complied as he opened the door. As the little girl bounded out, he made sure to quickly pull her hood over her head before both he and Steve, with the bike, stepped out into the rain.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Fortunately, the pavements were almost entirely deserted due to the sudden unexpected downpour of rain, so it didn't take too long for the three of them to find ground flat enough for the six year old to ride on.

Bucky looked down and smiled at Alex, who was grinning toothily, her hood having suspiciously 'fallen' from her head, allowing her hair to be drenched by the rain.
"You ready to get started?" He asked.

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