August 12, 2020

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Rangerboi: guys I have a question

Shutupnerdsss: here we fucking go

Rangerboi: nobody asked you

Rangerboi: so if someone has a crush on a lot of people what does that make them

Shutupnerdsss: someone who has a crush shut the fuck up asshole

Willyb: what

Rangerboi: answer the question

Wikemheeler: what's going on

Shutupnerdsss: he has a problem with every guy I find attractive

Shutupnerdsss: I say Finn Wolfhard's cute, he says he looks like Mike

Shutupnerdsss: I find Alex and the kid from scoops cute, he says we just met

Rangerboi: uh yeah because it's true

Rangerboi: nobody falls in love with someone they met in under a week

Willyb: Wh

Willyb: what

Shutupnerdsss: He's like "yOu dOnT kNow hIm" and I've been talking to him since we met

Rangerboi: which was less than a week ago

Shutupnerdsss: shut up

Rangerboi: you know I'm right

Skatamax: okay so I'm usually all for people doing whatever they want but he's right

Skatamax: y'all just met

Shutupnerdsss: okay and? You and my brother started dating like two weeks after meeting each other

Skatamax: fair enough

Eggohopper: how do you even know you're in love with this guy

Shutupnerdsss: He's nice

Shutupnerdsss: he listens to me

Skatamax: damn the bar for straight girls is so low
(AN: fr tho I've seen girls have crushes on guys because they don't call them a whore)


Dustinhen: so you think you guys have a connection because he listens and is nice

Shutupnerdsss: yes exactly

Dustinhen: are you listening to yourself

Willyb: you're sounding like Kathrine Howard

Willyb: and we all know how her life went

Shutupnerdsss: that's different tho

Shutupnerdsss: we actually have a connection

Willyb: that's literally what's said in the song but ok

Shutupnerdsss: I'm serious

Wikemheeler: okay coming from his perspective

Wikemheeler: you're his little sister. He doesn't want you to get hurt because of some asshole

Willyb: I get where you're coming from tho

Willyb: my older brother kinda did the same thing

Shutupnerdsss: EXACTLY

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