What A Cute Baby

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Maya looked as Mila was fast asleep in her carrier as Maya and Josh had decided to take a little walk around their neighborhood.
Of course Josh knew he had to get a bigger apartment but he didn't know how fast he could do it.
Besides, Maya was comfortable with having Mila sleep with them in their room.

"She's growing out of her bassinet actually," Maya said.
"She's four months. How can she grow out of it so fast?" Josh asked opening the door of a little restaurant for Maya.
"They usually do around three months so she's behind," Maya said.

"Table for?" the waitress asked.
"Two please," Josh said.
"Awe what a cute baby. How old is she?"
"Four months," Maya said as they sat down.
"Can I get a high chair for you two?"
"No thank you. We won't. Be long. She can just sit on my lap," Maya said making the carrier lose.
"Okay. What can I get you two?"
"Um one honey lemon tea please," Maya said.
"Make it two," Josh said.
"Okay. Milk or black?"
"Milk please. For both of us," Josh said as she was gone.

"Looks like we are getting more attention with a baby then we thought. And not even bad," Maya said smiling at Mila.
"Who can have a bad comment at such a cute baby? I bumped into Catherine and gisnlly talked to her," Josh said as Mila got fussy causing Maya to lightly swaddle her.
"And?" Maya asked.
"Gorgeous I know you want us to reconcile but it won't happen. She lied to me causing me to miss a lot with Mila even if she was still a newborn. I'm not going to forgive and forget," Josh said.

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