1st Birthday

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Maya smiled as she looked around the apartment not knowing what she let herself in. One of the many things that the Matthews knew what to do was planning a birthday party. And today that was exactly what Riley and Topanga did. She looked at the pink themed party while her daughter was in the arms of her best friend. Her little baby girl was one year old and she couldn't believe it.

"So when do you think should we announce the news of the pregnancy?" Josh asked as Maya looked at him.

Going forward with the pregnancy, Maya immediately went to the doctor finding out she was just 4 weeks along. Josh immediately wanted to tell everyone about the pregnancy but they weren't so sure how to approach it.

"Maybe after the wedding. I'll be 14 weeks by then so I think we should wait for the 20 week mark," Maya said.

"I feel like it's insane that this baby is due shortly after my birthday. Who knows, he or she may also be a Valentine's baby," Josh said as Maya smiled.

"Yeah perhaps. Let's not think of that right now, though. It's Mila's first birthday. Let's just focus on that for now," Maya said.

"Oh, Mom. I think it's time for cake," Riley said giving Mila to Maya.

"Okay, let's do this," Maya said as she put Mila in her highchair.

"Ready, Baby Girl?" Maya asked as she saw Topanga.

"Okay, let's go," Josh said as he looked at everyone giving them a sign that it's time.

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Mila. Happy birthday to you," everyone sang.

"Blow out the candle, Baby," Maya said as Mila reached for the flame which Josh blew out.

"Yay. You're one," Maya said smiling.

"Okay. Let's cut the cake," Josh said.

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